Interstate Traveler Company

Building the World Wide Hydrogen Super Highway...



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March 19th, 2007

This web page has been created specifically for: 

Larry Gunn
Institute for Sustainable Ethics and Economics
P.O. Box 51176
Eugene, OR 97405
RE:  Hydrogen Super Highway for the Pacific Northwest

Dear Larry,

It was great to finally speak with you today on the telephone, I am glad to hear that you have been following our progress for several years.

The details that you shared with me about the I.S.E.E. are very inspiring, and I am very glad to know that you have a large group of associates that have been promoting Hydrogen for so many years.   I look forward to providing a presentation for your organization in Eugene Oregon in the near future to share with them just how the Traveler will meet the goals and aspirations of your non-profit community based organization.

Below you will find a series of links that will give you and your associates immediate access to business critical information that make up a large part of our business case.   Further, as you have mentioned your interest in aerospace, I have include links to several systems we have sitting on our back burner on low heat until we get the rail systems production up and operational.  These links include the SR-16 which is a reusable single stage to orbit space craft vehicle that I designed a few years ago, the ITC Rail Plane proposed for aircraft integration with the Interstate Traveler Rail, and most importantly our Global Thread Navigation System (GTNS) which is designed to enable millions of aircraft to share the skies and enable reliable navigation for sea and land vehicles as well.

The GTNS is unique in several ways, most importantly it can be seen that the novel use of known spherical geometric algorithms with magnetic declination meters to derive a theoretical center to the Earths Magnetosphere thus enabling the reliable generation of millions upon millions of 'Flight Threads" regardless of the polar orientation or the existence of multiple magnetic polar eruptions and discontinuities in the  Earth's Magnetosphere creates perhaps the only reliable global transportation management system ever proposed. 


ITC SR-16 (Not uploaded to the site yet))

You had pointed out that all Boeing has to do is leave the wings off...  well, they don't have to for all of the Transports that they can produce for this system:
ITC Rail Plane

Now, in returning our attention to the Hydrogen Super Highway to enable your further research and understanding in the merits of the same, here is a brief summary of bullet points, you can click the "How Does It Work?" link on the right side of this web page, and click on the "What's The Big Idea?" link on the right for the 'elevator' pitch. 

Here is a link to a recent edition of our business plan that is nearly 70 pages and about 11 megs: " The ITC Business Plan " which includes the 'strategic analysis' performed by a team of 5 executive MBA students from Notre Dame.  By downloading this business plan,  you agree to keep it confidential.

Here is the link to the ITC Bibliographic Reference Library:

Here is the link to our FAQ:

Here is a link to the ITC Hydrogen Cycle Calculator

Here is a link to the energy projection sheet based on all 54,000 miles of the US Eisenhower Interstate Traveler:

Here is a link to our General Energy Production Calculator

Here is a link to an Excel Workbook which spells out most of our analysis for the 1,456 mile system to cover the Interstate Highways in Michigan

Here is the link to the Detroit Metropolitan Area Loop and the PowerPoint presentation that we gave to Mayor Kilpatrick of the City of Detroit MI:

Here is a link to the Detroit to Ann Arbor 88 Mile project:

Here is a link to v10 of the ITC Proposed Public Private Partnership with MDOT, this is the last link on the list, and perhaps the most important for the future.

Again, I look forward to working with you to help build the Traveler in the Pacific Northwest.  I also look forward to working with you to set up a series of meetings at the several universities that you had mentioned.

As promised, here is the link to the PowerPoint presentation that you may employ for your confidential business purposes.  As agreed, you will share with me any revisions for my approval before use.  This document is about 12megs and will take a while to download.  Also, you will need to re-link the videos that are embedded into the presentation if you wish to keep them in the PowerPoint for your purposes.
../../MEDIA/PowerPoint/IT HSH to DIA-OFA-3-27-08.ppt

Should you have any additional questions....  please feel free to contact me at anytime.


Justin Sutton
Founder and Managing Partner
The Interstate Traveler Company, LLC
9594 Main Street
Whitmore Lake, MI 48189
734-449-4480  Office
734-320-6179  Cell


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Copyright © 2002-2010 Justin Eric Sutton & The Interstate Traveler Company, LLC - All Rights Reserved
Last modified: 05/07/13