Primary Transports
Primary Elements of the System |
The most obvious way to accommodate the automobile. |
Two forty-foot standard shipping containers, side by side. |
The Emergency Medical Response integration for rapid deployment of
medical staff and facilities to any place along the rail.
A place where family and business can co-exist |
For the international equestrian explorer edition, those of have the love
the many equestrian arts will be able to reach remote mountainous terrain
and get from race track to race track in ease and comfort. |
The Traveler Stations
A look at what a Traveler Station may look like.. |
An integration of Romanesque public building concepts to provide public
forums, market spaces and incredible public baths. |
The geometry of a loop station maximizes Traveler Stations accesseability
for loading and unloading. |
Hydrogen Super Highway Rail Systems
Subnet topology |
HyRail integration with round-about roadway topology using Subnet topology with integration nodes that enable a one to many
relationship including a built in return loop. |
Highway Cloverleaf Substations
Ideal use of the "Road-locked" real estate |
First illustration of bi-directional transit on a single row of oversized
stanchion poles, including the illustration of using the Interstate Highway
as a cistern for water collection, and the connection with the Utility
Substations, and a greater detail on the functionality of the Utility
Multi-lane integration with continuous arch form roof structure |
Using solar power to process and circulate water and grow a continuous
arbor of fruit bearing vines and flowering plants along with public drinking
fountains. |
The best possible at-grade system for light duty maglev for city
streets and inter-urban connections |
A safe ground level maglev transport system. |
A simpler more elegant design for local mass transit. |
The basic public utility conduit system. |
Working with global reforestation efforts the Grand Arbor built upon the
functionality of the Hydrogen Super Highway will help reclaim billions of
acres of desert all around the world, and support the reforestation of
millions and millions of acres of land. |
How Does It Work?
Self Sustaining Municipal Infrastructure |
180 degree crane for installation of Interstate Traveler Rail in a
progressive "Plug & Play" technology. |
Planned substations for public access, utility taps. |
Epitaxial Construction Systems. Attach to existing structures... |
An example of a Terminal Station multi-car platform switching station. |
Using simple robotic tooling, we automate the process of milling stone to
create architectural qualities that exceed the stone work of former grand
public buildings, at faster construction rates. |