Interstate Traveler Company

Building the World Wide Hydrogen Super Highway...



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May 17th, 2007

This web page has been created specifically for: 

The Boeing Company
Paul L Pasquier  - SM&P Manager
Phantom Works
Post Office Box 3707 Mail Code 4C-97
Seattle WA 98124

RE:   Building the Hydrogen Super Highway in the Pacific Northwest, and elsewhere around the world

Dear Mr. Pasquier,

It becomes my duty, as well as pleasure, to introduce you to the Interstate Traveler Hydrogen Super Highway.   Upon due examination, it will become clear that this new global standard for on-demand semi-public maglev rail transportation systems will also be the host of a complete integration of traditional municipal conduits for water, sewer, electricity and fiber optics along with conduits for the top eight or ten liquid and vapor based fuels.   The largest conduits will be dedicated to Hydrogen under normal conditions, or they can be dedicated to crude oil to create the worlds finest defensible pipeline for commercial use in areas where pipelines are routinely under attack. 

Upon examination of the system as a whole, it is an international economic integration system like none-other that will bring the best of modern innovation together to serve more people in the world than ever before.

Further, I am happy to point out that Boeing SpectraLab has announced a new 40.7% efficient solar panel that could quadruple our energy output numbers.   We need to find out how far away they are from being in production.

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It is my hope that it would be suitable to your will and pleasure that a committee be formed of Boeing Engineers appointed under your control for the thorough analysis of the business documentation that I now share with you on this personalized web page. 

This system should easily be built out to 60,000 miles in the USA within ten yeas yielding a combined solar output of over 5 billion square feet of solar panels.

The remainder of this web page will be dedicated to confidential data sharing, so I will close my personal greeting and wish you well as the new Boeing SM&P Manager.   It is my sincere hope that we may be able to create a solid joint venture for the benefit of both our companies and to the millions of people who will benefit from our services in the decades and centuries to come.


Justin Sutton
Founder and Managing Partner
Interstate Traveler Company, LLC
Direct line:  313-910-9711

<... Confidential Data Sharing Begins Here ...>

To begin with, the Operational Summary is an executive one-pager, you can read this and get the general gist.

For a brief summary of bullet points, you can click the "How Does It Work?" link on the right side of this web page, and click on the "What's The Big Idea?" link on the right for the 'elevator' pitch. 

Perhaps of greatest importance to understanding the global economic importance of this system is 3rd party review and historic Sir Isaac Newton Award for Innovation:

The following link to the original press release for the Sir Isaac Newton Award will give you a full description of the reasoning and competitive nature of this award with the greatest innovations in modern times:

Yet it is for good reason that we site the serious considerations of the American Computer Science Association regarding Protecting America's Borders with the "Borderline Flyer" application of the Hydrogen Super Highway employed for the unique combination of border security and economic integration over international borders on into the country side.

The ITC Rail Plane proposal for aircraft integration with the Interstate Traveler Rail capitalizing on Boeing's existing Vertical Takeoff and Landing systems.

Most importantly our Global Thread Navigation System (GTNS) which is designed to enable millions of aircraft to share the skies and enable reliable navigation for sea and land vehicles as well.

The GTNS is unique in several ways, most importantly it can be seen that the novel use of known spherical geometric algorithms with magnetic declination meters to derive a theoretical center to the Earths Magnetosphere thus enabling the reliable generation of millions upon millions of 'Flight Threads" regardless of the polar orientation or the existence of multiple magnetic polar eruptions and discontinuities in the  Earth's Magnetosphere creates perhaps the only reliable global transportation management system ever proposed. 

Here is a link to a recent edition of our business plan that is nearly 70 pages and about 11 megs: " The ITC Business Plan " which includes the 'strategic analysis' performed by a team of 5 executive MBA students from Notre Dame.  By downloading this business plan,  you agree to keep it confidential.

Here is the link to the ITC Bibliographic Reference Library:

Here is the link to our FAQ:

Here is a link to the energy projection sheet based on all 54,000 miles of the US Eisenhower Interstate Traveler:

Here is a link to the ITC Hydrogen Cycle Calculator

Here is a link to our General Energy Production Calculator

Here is a link to v10 of the ITC Proposed Public Private Partnership with MDOT

Again, I look forward to working with you in the future.


Justin Sutton
Founder and Managing Partner
The Interstate Traveler Company, LLC
9594 Main Street
Whitmore Lake, MI 48189

734-320-6179 cell


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Copyright © 2002-2010 Justin Eric Sutton & The Interstate Traveler Company, LLC - All Rights Reserved
Last modified: 05/07/13