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Counteracting Global Warming

Solar Shield System

Interstate Traveler Company's Solar Shield System demonstrates the ability to protect the earths atmosphere from spectral radiation from the sun (reflect away) thereby eliminating a measurable amount of heating effects that radiation (light) would have on the atmosphere and the earth itself.  The full force of the Sun's rays are hitting half of the planet, all of the time, therefore the fastest and most reliable method to regulate the temperature of the atmosphere and protect glaciers is with a reflector or shield out in space in a sidereal orbit.  Using the same shield as a solar collector renders an enormous energy collection system that can self sustain position control systems and supply surplus power for research instrumentation, crew quarters, etc.  When the shield is not needed it can be repositioned to reflect more light on to the earth if needs be.
Click the illustration, or this link to access the details. 

By coordinated placement of multiple shields that protect  large areas of the northern and southern climates, the Space Shield can reduce the exposure of glaciers to solar radiation and better enable a natural rebuilding of glaciers en-mass over time.   It is an undeniable law of physics that when heat is introduced into a fluid medium, such as the ocean or the atmosphere is subject to convection currents.  This is easily replicated by putting a pan of water on the stove and watching the water begin to move.   The greater the application of heat, the greater the convection currents, therefore as our global atmosphere heats up, we will get greater movement in the atmosphere therefore greater winds and greater storms.   In fine, the global warming problem can be managed by managing, even in very small way, the amount of sun that hits the earth.


Global Ocean Calculator

The greatest threat of global warming is the inevitable rise of the global ocean.  While many will argue that loss of glaciers is minimal in the pursuit of arguing a position that global warming is a myth, I can only reflect upon the irrefutable laws of physics to crystallize the point.   By simple math, the area of the global ocean surface has been calculated in estimated square kilometers and square miles.  By then translating a unit of area with a unit of thickness, such as one inch, we may then give a specific volume of water that is in the top one inch of the ocean.   We may also calculate the volume of ice in a glacier, such as the Greenland Ice Sheet and apply that in mathematical comparison of the volume of water in the top one inch of the ocean and calculate a reasonable estimate of global ocean rise if the Greenland Ice Sheet were to melt away completely.  As the old saying goes, numbers don't lie, therefore I implore you to avail yourself of the attached Global Ocean Calculator and examine the calculations for yourself and realize that catastrophic global ocean rise is very real and that it needs to be stopped.  The Solar Shield will be one of the most effective long term solutions for the smallest investment of time and money.
Global Ocean Calculator


Mississippi Highlands Project

The Mississippi Highlands Project under development by the Interstate Traveler Company serves the purpose of absorbing typical annual flood waters in the Mississippi River Basis, at large, with the implementation of a scaled dendritic aqueduct system built underground with tunnel boring machines that will divert flood waters to man made basins 50 miles downstream and inland from the river to support and act as an irrigation reservoir and hydroelectric impoundment for the local citizenry.    The greatest benefit is in the mitigation of flood waters that annually destroy property and take lives in their destructive path.

Click the illustration, or click this link to access the details.


The Grand Arbor Carbon Sequestration System

The Interstate Traveler Company's Grand Arbor system serves the purpose of harvesting sewerage from cities and processing for dedicated agricultural support.  Further, enmass and over time, a large installation of thousands of miles of HyRail will enable freshwater aquifer recharge and the reversal of desertification in general even under extreme conditions.


Making our Highways Bloom with Abundance

Hydroponic Highway Integration System Sewerage Mitigation and Carbon Sequestration in one.

Certainly their can be no greater concern for the future of our advanced civilization and great growing numbers in the global population other than the concern for food and water.  We can all accept the fact that not all of our future generations can remain living on the family farm.  Over the next 100 years, our cities will grow exponentially as the existing 6 Billion people on Earth becomes 9 Billion or more.   There is no greater concern for tomorrow than the suffering of millions of people TODAY.   According to UN and other publications in 2007 there were estimated more than 800,000 souls in the greater Sudanese region of Africa that have been chased from their homes by famine and drought or war lords competing for dwindling resources.  Lake Chad in Northern Central Africa is shared by five countries and it has very nearly dried up leaving millions of people who are now hanging in the balance for subsistence or starvation:  Food and Water. 


Humanitarian Bio-Dome Complex

The Humanitarian Bio-Dome Complex is one of my favorite inventions...   the idea is to integrate the following:

1.  Hydroponic agriculture (food chain tube)
2.  Solar panels
3.  Solar concentrator-tubes for grey water treatment
4.  Large dome structure.  

The The Food Chain Tube has a miniature HyRail transport system that hosts hydroponic food trays that travel through the transparent tube up to the top of the dome, then coil back down a track on the inside of the dome to return their journey up the tube.   The carbon dioxide exhaled by the inhabitants of the dome is inhaled through ducts on the floor and pushed through the tube to supply CO2 for the hydroponic trays.  When the air reaches the top of the tube the CO2 has been largely consumed by the plants and the oxygen they emit then falls down from the top of the dome to supply the inhabitants.  The specific gravity of CO2 is 1.5189 and the specific gravity of O2 is 1.1044.  So, with CO2 being almost 1/3 more the mass of O2, the CO2 will always sink to the bottom of the air-mass inside the dome structure.

Volume of a sphere is expressed as V = 4/3 π r3

Using a simple set of forms or a pressurized balloon formed system, very large domes can be cast that can withstand great extremes in climate, great extremes in seismic activity and encompass very large interior spaces with very large trapped air masses that can be conditioned, temperature controlled and pumped through a hydroponic system as described above.  

A simple dome of 200 feet in Diameter would therefore have a floor to ceiling height of 100 feet in the center of the dome.  Even more if the dome is cast slightly parabolic.  This being the case it would be easy to construct multiple multistory buildings inside the dome. 

The volume of concrete in the dome and floor can be estimated in the following:

The floor area of the 200 foot diameter dome would be π•r2  ~  3.14*1002  = 31,400 square feet.

31,400 square feet * two feet thick (footings-etc) = 62,800 cubic feet or 2,325 cubic yards

The surface area of a sphere is calculated as  4πr2  ~  4*3.14*1002 = 125,600 square feet.  So, as we are using one half the surface of the sphere for the dome, we are looking at about 62,800 square feet of surface area.   If the thickness of the dome is an average of three feet, that being five feet thick at the base and one foot thick at the top the total volume of concrete in the dome would be less than:

62,800 * 3 = 188,400 cubic feet or 6,977 cubic yards or less..

Total concrete volume is 2,325 + 6,977 = 9,302 cubic meters

Estimated cost per cubic meter (single unit retail) $80.00/Cubic Meter

Estimated material (concrete) cost of the dome: 9,302 * $80 = $744,160

If 60% of the surface area is dedicated to solar panels, then solar surface area would be 37,680 square feet.   If the panels used get 20 watts per square foot the max wattage potential would be less than 753,600 watts ( .75 megawatts), or enough energy to burn 12,560 incandescent light bulbs at 60watts each.

The objective is to create a municipal center that is surrounded by plots of land where the seedlings that are sprouted in the food chain tube are planted to grow.   This system combined with the Hydrogen Super Highway will enable the fast construction of self sustaining municipal centers with schools, library's, gymnasiums, saunas, showers, baths, laundry and small shops of all kinds with built in agricultural support.



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Last modified: 05/07/13