Interstate Traveler Company

Building the World Wide Hydrogen Super Highway...



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December 19th, 2007

This web page has been created specifically for:

Volker Amelung  - President
EDAG, Inc. -North America
275 Rex Boulevard
Auburn Hills, MI  48326
RE: Content Confidential - Technical / Business Critical Information

Dear Mr. Amelung,

   I have created this page for you so that you and your associates may have direct access to information that is a part of our collective business case.   In the interest of brevity I recommend reviewing our one page operational summary first:    Operational Summary.

   For a brief summary of bullet points, you can click the "How Does It Work?" link on the right side of this web page, and click on the "What's The Big Idea?" link on the right for the 'elevator' pitch.

   Here is a link to a recent edition of our business plan that is nearly 70 pages and about 11 megs: " The ITC Business Plan " which includes the 'strategic analysis' performed by a team of 5 executive MBA students from Notre Dame.  This document has a slightly higher technical edge.  By downloading this business plan,  you agree to keep it confidential.

Here is the link to our FAQ:

Here is a link to the energy projection sheet based on all 54,000 miles of the US Eisenhower Interstate Traveler:

Here is a link to the ITC Hydrogen Cycle Calculator

Here is a link to our General Energy Production Calculator

Here is the link to the ITC Bibliographic Reference Library:

Technical Files

Here are two files that will help your technical team get started.   The first is an IGS file from Pro-E.  The second is a web page with an array of images related to the electromagnetic field analysis. 



I look forward to hearing from Mr. Wolfgang Jansohn in the near future.  Your description of his skills and experience seem to be a perfect fit.


Justin Sutton
Founder and Managing Partner
The Interstate Traveler Company, LLC
9594 Main Street
Whitmore Lake, MI 48189

313 910-9711 cell


Send mail to CompanyWebmaster with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2002-2010 Justin Eric Sutton & The Interstate Traveler Company, LLC - All Rights Reserved
Last modified: 05/07/13