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January 6th, 2007

It has been nearly five years since I have edited this page.

While building a list of Scientific Giants in History, I discovered a second 100+ year old reference to electrotheraputics, c1904.  I have copied the art here, and included the link to where I discovered it the first time:


Edwin J. Houston wrote a book "Electricity in Every-Day Life" (Three volumes, New York: P. F. Collier & Son, 1904). One of the more fanciful of Edwin Houston's illustrations to this book is shown here.

Here is the link to the list of Scientific Giants in History

Today is February 25th, 2002.

   I just watched a news report on the cable TV broadcast of Tech Live that promoted a product from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  The people of MIT have created a new business and are now selling this device to the general public as a product called "Inmotion2" according to the news broad cast I watched on the TechTV on the evening of 2/25/02.

In a study involving 56 patients, the technology developed at MIT has proven that the robotic manipulation of the paralyzed limbs of a stroke related patient brought about a more prominent recovery and at a faster rate than what could be provided from direct human to human physical therapy.

By the publication of website, I claim the same results will be quickly proven by my Electrotherapeutic BioSuit.  Please recognize that my Electrotherapeutic BioSuit is the grandest form of robotic manipulation of a paralyzed limb, up to and including the full musculoskeletal system of any invertebrate mammal.   If you wish to review my methodology, please click the Methodology link on the left side of this page, or click here.

When I viewed the news cast about the Inmotion2, I had to immediately post this page on my website.   Considering how long it has been since I was first Inspired by an injury to my neck to produce the project I have endearingly referred to as my "Reeve's Project" since I had a greater sympathy for the man, when I learned I nearly suffered the same fate; as my MRI scans clearly displayed hemociterin deposits within my spinal column near the 5th vertebra.  For your reference, please click on the "My Medical History" link on the left, or just click here.

I could not quickly find the reference to this MIT project online at, but I did quickly find the listing at by using searching with the phrase: "robot stroke para".

The TechTV broadcast explained how the new Inmotion2 product would sell at around $70,000 being justified to insurance companies by referencing the $11,600 cost for six months of physical therapy.

Here is the site:


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Last modified: 05/07/13