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Scientific Giants in History
Here I have assembled a compilation of the best and brightest in
recorded history listed in chronologic order by birth year. Most links are
to the world wide free encyclopedia, yet in some cases the links are to other
more detailed sources.
I have wanted to create a list like this for a long time to make it easy to
see at a glance what I have always had to look up from multiple sources.
The wonderful thing about the Internet is that it allows millions of people to
get access to information that has been organized according to individual needs
and unique requirements like the list I have prepared below.
Like the old saying goes: If you can't find the book you are looking for,
write it yourself. In this case, I simply made a list of well known
scientists in chronological order by birth year, yet as simple a list as it is,
it helps the reader to see where these Scientific Giants in History were in the
timeline of history. Better yet, with a single click you have the full
history of each one.
I will be adding more Giants of History in the future... :) Bear
in mind that even though I may create a list of many hundreds of people, I am
humbled by the vast histories the rise and fall of great civilizations who
evidently had great scientist in their time and place. How could I make a
list of them all? in the mean time, enjoy.... Return to Internal Library
- Thales of Militus
(624-546)BC Mathematician, Geometer, Astronomer, Philosopher
- Pythagoras
(569-475)BC Mathematics, Geometry, Ethics, Music, Religion, Politics
- Hippocrates of Chios
(470-410)BC First Textbook on Geometry
- Socrates (470-399)BC The Most Wise Philosopher
- Plato (427-347)BC Mathematics, Geometry, Cosmology, Philosophy
- Aristotle (384-322)BC Ethics, Philosophy, Metaphysics, Psychology, Biology, Music, Poetry
- Euclid (330-275) The Most Wise Geometer
- Archimedes (287-212)BC
hydraulics, mechanics, geometry
- Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (80/70 BC - 25 BC) Architect, Engineer, Military Designer
- Apollodorus of Damascus (60 - 105?)AD Architect
- Hypatia (350 AD -
415) Platonic Philosopher, Mathematician, Astronomer
- Charlese the Great (Charlemagne) (747 - 814) Holy Roman Emperor – Founder of Universities
- Avicenna Abū Alī al-Husayn ibn Abd Allāh ibn Sīnā
(980 - 1037) medicine, physics
- Shen Kuo or Shen Kua (1031
- 1095) Compass, magnetics, etc.
- Roger Bacon (1214-1292)-
magnifying glass
- Filippo
Brunelleschi (1377-1446) Architect and Geometry
- Johann Gutenberg
(c1390s-1468) the printing press
- Leonardo Di Vinci (1452-1519) Architect, Mechanic, Biologist, Painter, Inventor
- Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)
heliocentric theory of the solar system
- Paracelsus (1493-1541)
alchemist, physician, astrologer,
- William Gilbert (Gilberd)
(1544-1603) physics, magnetics, electricity
- Tycho Brahe (1546 -
1601) Astronomer and Alchemist
- Francis Bacon
(1561-1626) philosopher, statesman, essayist
- Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
physicist, astronomer, philosopher
- Johannes Kepler
(1571-1630) mathematics, astronomer, planetary motion
- Cornelius Drebbel
(1572-1633)- first navigable submarine
- Willebrord
Snellius (1580-1626) Astronomer, Mathematician, Refraction
- John Amos
Comenius (1592 - 1670) Scientist, Teacher, Reformer
- René Descartes
(1596-1650) philosopher, mathematician, scientist
- Otto von Guericke
(1602-1686) scientist, inventor, and politician
- Blaise Pascal
(1623-1662) mathematician, physicist, religious philosopher
- Christiaan
Huygens (1629-1695) mathematician, astronomer and physicist
- John Locke (1632-1704)
Philosopher, Statesmen, Politician, Physician
- James Gregory, (1638-1675) Astronomer, mathematician
- Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727) Principle Founder of Modern Physics, Optics, Geometry, Calculus, Chemistry, Theology
- Gottfried Wilhelm
Leibniz (1646-1716), physics, technology, medicine, etc.
- Stephen
Grey (1666-1736) Electricity and Astronomy
- John Hadley (1682-1744)
- Inventor
of the Octant, Newtonian Parabolic Telescope
- John
Theophilus Desaguliers (1683 – 1744) Philosophy, Mechanics
- Daniel Gabriel
Fahrenheit (1686-1736 ) Physicist
- Pieter
(Petrus) van Musschenbroek (1692 - 1761) "Leyden Jar"
- François-Marie Arouet
Voltaire (1694-1778) Physics and Philosphy
- Charles François de
Cisternay du Fay (1698-1739) electricity "vitreous"/
- Daniel Bernoulli
(1700-1782) Hydraulics, aerodynamics
- Thomas
Godfrey (1704-1749) - Astronomer, Mathematician, Invented the sextant
- Emilie du Châtelet
(1706-49) Extraordinary Woman of Science
- Benjamin Franklin
(1706-1790) Publisher, Patriot, Statesman, Diplomat, Scientist, Chemist, Inventor, Electrician, Publisher
- Jean le
Rond d'Alembert (1717-1783)mathematics, mechanics, physics,
- Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot (1725-1804) - First Automobile
- Charles Messier (1730-1817) -French Astronmer, First to catalog nebulea, galaxy and 13 new commets
- Joseph Priestley
(1733-1804) experiments in
electricity and chemistry
- Charles-Augustin de Coulomb (1736-1806) mechanics,electricity,
- James Watt (1736-1819)
Steam Engine, power
- Luigi Galvani (1737-1798)
- Bioelectricity and electrochemistry
- Montgolfier Brothers
(1740-1810) and (1745-1799) - hot-air balloon
- Antoine Lavoiser (1743-1894)
Father of Modern Chemistry
- Alessandro Volta (1745-1827)
Electricity and Physics
- Robert Symmer (1759?) electrical theorist
- Samuel Morey,
(1762-1843) - internal combustion engine
- Eli Whitney (1765-1825)
the cotton gin
- Thomas
Young (1773-1829) Young's Modulus, Translated Rosetta Stone
- André-Marie
Ampère (1775-1836) Electromagnetism, electric current
- Hans Christian
Oersted (1777-1851) Moral and Aesthetic Philosophy
- Carl Friedrich
Gauss (1777-1855) profound genius, geometry, magnetism
- Jöns Jakob Berzelius (1779-1848) inventor of modern chemical notation,
- Benjamin Silliman
(1779-1864) first person to fractionate petroleum by
- William Sturgeon
(1783 -1850) Electromagnets
- Augustin-Jean
Fresnel (1788-1827) Wave Optics
- Georg Ohm (1789-1854)
proportionality of current and voltage
- John Frederic
Daniell (1790 - 1845) Chemist, Electric Batteries
- Michael Faraday
(1791-1867) electromagnetism and electrochemistry.
- Samuel Finley Breese
Morse (1791-1872)
- Charles Babbage
(1791-1871) [Link2-Difference Engine]
- Joseph Henry
(1797-1878) Electromagnetics, telegraphy
- John Stringfellow
(1799-1883) - airplane
- János Bolyai
(1802-1860)- discoverer of non-Euclidean geometry
- Sir Charles
Wheatstone (1802-1875) telegraphy, electricity, physics
- Johann Christian
Andreas Doppler (1803-1853) Physicist, Frequency/wavelength
- Justus von Liebig
(1803-1873) nitrogen-based fertilizer
- Wilhelm Eduard Weber
(1804-1891) Physicist, Magnetic Flux
- Louis Braille
(1809-1852) the Braille writing system
- Elisha Otis (1811-1861)
passenger elevator
- Sir William
Robert Grove (1811 -1896) First Hydrogen Fuel Cell
- Robert
Wilhelm Bunsen (1811 -1899) spectroscopy, Chemistry,
Geology, Mineralogy
- Anders
Jonas Ångström (1814-1874) Spectroscopy, magnetism
- Ernst
Werner von Siemens (1816-1892) Electromote
"first electric trolly"
- James Prescott
Joule (1818 -1889) Thermodynamics, magnetism
- Jean Bernard Léon
Foucault (1819-1868) Foucault Pendulum, Gyroscope
- Narcis
Monturiol i Estarriol (1819-1885) - steam powered submarine
- Armand Hippolyte
Louis Fizeau (1819-1896) Capacitor , Doppler effect
- Sir George
Gabriel Stokes (1819-1903) Fluid Dynamics and Optics
- Carl Wilhelm
Siemens (1823-1883) regenerative furnace, electric pyrometer
- William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin (1824-1907) electricity, thermodynamics
- James Clerk
Maxwell (1831-1879) theoretical physicist - electromagnetism
- Alfred Nobel
(1833-1896) - Dynamite
- Wilhelm Holtz
[link-2] The Electrostatic Generator
- Karl Benz (1844–1929)
- Automobile, gasoline internal combustion engine
- Theophil
Odhner (1845-1903) -Arithmometer mechanical calculator
- Wilhelm Conrad
Röntgen (1845-1923) - Xrays
- George
Westinghouse, Jr. (1846-1914) The railroad airbrake and pioneer of electrical systems with Tesla
- Edwin J. Houston
(1847–1914) [Link2-Partner
to Elihu Tompson, electrotheraputics]
- Alexander
Graham Bell (1847-1922) The Telephone
- Thomas Edison
(1847-1931) Prolific Inventor, Phonograph, Motion Picture Camera, Lightbulb, Electric Power
- Karl Ferdinand
Braun (1850-1918)-cathode-ray tube oscilloscope
- Edward
Weston (1850 -1936) - "Weston Cell" battery
- Irving Langmuir
(1851-1957) gas filled light bulb, hydrogen welding
- David Schwarz (1852-1897) rigid ship, later called Zeppelin
- Elihu Thomson
(1853-1937) - Electrostatic Motor
- Miksa Déri (1854-1938)
- co-inventor of transformer
- Booker
Taliaferro Washington (1856-1915) Educator, Orator, 1st Leader of the Tuskegee Institute
- Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)Alternating Current, Wireless Remote Controls, the Induction Motor
- Heinrich Rudolf
Hertz (1857-1894) Physicist, Mechanic, First in Electromagetic Waves and Radio Technology
- Rudolf Diesel
(1858-1913)-The Diesel engine
- Max Planck
(1858–1947) Physicist, Astonomer, Mechanic - First in Quantum Mechanics
- Elmer R. Gates (1859-1923)
-Prolific inventor and behavior scientist
- Aurel Stodola
(1859-1942) steam and gas turbines
- Elmer Ambrose
Sperry (1860–1930) - gyroscope-guided automatic pilot
- Emil Johann Wiechert
(1861-1928) - physicist, seismic wave mapping
- George
Washington Carver (c1864 - 1943) Botanist, Chemist, Inventor
- H.G. Wells (1866-1946) Historian, Futurist, Novelist, Movie Producer
- Maria Skłodowska-Curie
(1867-1934) - Madam Curie
- Wright brothers,
Orville (1871-1948), Wilbur (1867-1912) powered aeroplane
- Jan Janský (1873-1921)
-discoverer of blood types
- Alberto
Santos-Dumont (1873-1932) non-rigid airship and airplane
- Karl Jatho (1873-1933)
Germany - first motorized airplane?
- Guglielmo
Marchese Marconi (1874- 1937) Radio Telegraphy & essential inventor of Radio Communications
- Charles F.
Kettering (1876-1958) invented automobile self-starter ignition
- Albert Einstein
(1879-1955)Physicist, Quantum Mechanics, Photoelectric Effect, E=mc^2
- Otto Hahn
(1879–1968) "The Father of Nuclear Chemistry and Founder of
the Atomic Age"
- Robert
Goddard, (1882-1945)Engineer, Physicist & The Father of Modern Rocketry
- Archibald Low
(1882-1956) - Pioneer of radio guidance systems
- Igor Sikorsky
(1889-1972) helicopter
- Hassan Kamel
Al-Sabbah (1895-1935) solar power, cathode ray tube
- Percy Lavon Julian
(1899 – 1975) Revolutionary Chemist
- Walter
Houser Brattain (1902-1987) - Transistor co-inventor
- John von Neumann
(1903-1957) Von Neumann computer architecture
- J. Robert
Oppenheimer (1904-1967) - Director of Manhattan Project
- Arthur M. Young
(1905-1995) - the Bell Helicopter
- Frank Whittle
(1907-1996) co-inventor of the jet engine
- John Bardeen,
(1908-1991) - Transistor , superconductor
- William Bradford
Shockley (1910-1989)The Transistor and Semiconductor Pioneer helping to establish Silicon Valley
- Alan Turing (1912-1954)
the Turing machine - Logic system
- Gordon Gould,
(1920-2005) - Invented the LASER
- Jack Kilby (1923-2005)
patented the first integrated circuit
- Erna
Schneider Hoover (1926-)-computerized telephone switching system
- Jun-Ichi
Nishizawa (1926-2018) - Optical communication system
- Yoshiro
Nakamatsu, (1928-) Floppy disk (world record - for over
3,000 patented inventions)
- Carl Edward Sagan
(1934-1996) - Astronomer Planetary Physicist
- Sumio Iijima (1939- )
- Carbon Nanotubes
- Stephen William
Hawking(1942-2018) Theoretical Physics, General Relativity, Gravitation, Quantum Mechanics
- William H.
Dobelle (1943-2004) first functioning artificial eye
- Dennis MacAlistair
Ritchie (1947-2011) creator of C Program Language
- Robert Cailliau
(1947-) - World Wide Web
- Dean Kamen (1951-) -
Invented the Segway HT scooter
- Tim Berners-Lee,
(1955-) - World Wide Web
- Satoshi Nakamoto,
(1975-) - Blockchain Digital Security Protocol
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