Interstate Traveler Company

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2007 Annual Message to the Partnership

January 1st 2008  

Welcome to a New Year of great hope and expectation, far beyond what we have heretofore seen or known.   Yes, it will be great in 2008 for many reasons, yet central to this letter is the construction of the first mile of millions.   Remember the old saying: "When opportunity meets preparedness, success is the result"?  I think we are going to see that saying become real for this company within the next six months.

This time last year I announced the ascension of Mr. William C. Brooks to the office of Chairman of the Board while holding the office of Chief Executive Officer along with Akua Budu-Watkins as Chief Administration Officer and James Booth as Chief Development Officer. 

I am proud to report that as a result of their commitment to the success of this company they have done great things for this Partnership with the addition of several knew private investment Partners that have funded the organization of the Detroit Office and they are ready to take on the world! 


The inset picture of our Detroit office shows our Officer Manager Linda Mulugotta holding down the fort at the front desk.  Linda has had an extraordinary career reaching around the globe and is a long time associate of Akua's who agreed to help us get the office organized and ready for business.   In the near future we will be sending out an invitation for a Partnership Open-House for the Detroit office sometime in April or May of this year.

Also, this letter shall act as the official announcement of our Annual Partnership Meeting to be held on June 12th of this year.  We have not yet selected a venue as this year's Annual Meeting may have more than 100 people in attendance.  Last year's meeting was great!  I have inserted a photo from Last years meeting below.  Click the picture to read last year's letter.

Interstate Traveler Company, LLC Annual Partnership 6-12-2007

Of the many highlights of 2007 there are dozens worthy of note in this annual message, but to keep it brief so that it will not take a year to read this letter I will list a few events and the key people who stepped up to manage the relationships, bridge the gap, and keep our progress true.

Special thanks to Partner and Bishop Roy Ferguson along with Partner and Medical Doctor Lascelles Pinnock who's investment into the Partnership almost one year ago helped us leap forward to be in position to build the first mile of millions on the right piece of land here in Detroit.  I look forward to our next meeting and to the continued hope that we can build the first mile of millions in that select piece of land here in Detroit that you have been working to make available.

Special thanks to Partner and Medical Doctor Augustine Kole-James who's networking and financial investment has opened up doors in Nigeria and perhaps the most important door he helped us open is the door to our commercial business suite at 300 River Place in Detroit and support for our ongoing relationship management, transportation, communications and consultation expenses that has helped us make giant leaps forward.

Special thanks to Partner Lewis Magee and his cousin Partner Rudolph Magee for organizing a personalized tour of the steel making process at the former Ford Rouge Steel plant now known as Severstal.  It was great to see this process up close and to see the high rate of speed that steel is produced there at Severstal.  I look forward to official talks with them about the potential use of space at the Rouge Complex to build our rail.

Special thanks to Partner Laurie Moncrief and Partner Jay Wilbur who worked together using long held personal relationships to build our relationship with EDAG USA who purchased the former MSX International whom had originally worked with us a few years back to build our demonstration unit.  It was great to learn from Laurie about the incredible new and improved workforce and skill sets available at EDAG and to finally meet the President of EDAG USA and to have both of our original signatures on a mutual nondisclosure agreement to get them started on building our demonstration unit starting some time in April or May as we keep moving forward.

Special thanks to our Senior Vice President of Midwest Operations, Mr. Terry Tyler, who has put miles of driving and hours of telephone conversations and meetings into the Indiana market place in general working with the INDOT, the Indiana High Speed Rail Association, the East Indiana Development District, the Chicago Metropolitan Association for Planning, along with more than a dozen political and local business contacts in Ohio, Indiana and Michigan.  

Special thanks to Partners Jim Jung and Rob Freeman who's work in Southern Indiana and Northern Ohio has helped us bridge the gap and establish new and important relationships with City, State and Federal representatives along with top industry leaders. 

Special thanks to Partner's James Booth, Jay Wilber and Katharina Wagenti for traveling with me to man our booth at the Global Border Security Expo in San Antonio Texas.    At the Expo, our booth was one of the most highly visited with some of the top industry leaders in  Border Security coming to us to find out how the Interstate Traveler can do more to secure our borders and provide the most friendly and reliable economic and cultural integration tool in history.  

Yes!  The Expo had its private cocktail party for all of the exhibitors at none other than the gardens at the Alamo!   There we had great conversations with people from the British Consulate-General who sponsored the event along with officials from several top Texas Universities and were treated to a rare historical lecture from the director at the Alamo.   It was a grand juxtaposition to have the future of peaceful economic integration be promoted at the Alamo.


We were even graced by a personal visit from one of the 2008 Candidates for the Presidency of the United States, the Honorable Senator Mike Gravel.

 It was a great day indeed to have met Senator Gravel who has been one of America's finest Senators at some of her toughest times in the 60's and 70's.  Senator Gravel's many accomplishments include the historic public private partnership in Alaska which to this day enforces the right of every Alaskan resident to get a small share in the great Alaskan oil reserves that run through the famous Alaskan Pipeline.  As one of the key Senators who helped get the Pipeline built and steadfast ally to the public good he has found unique and closely familiar fondness for our Public Private Partnership that will pay per capita revenue Statewide.

Also, after many years of talking informally we finally sat down at the drawing board with the one of the top electromagnetic analysis teams in the world. For more than five years we have talked with the representatives of Integrated Engineering Software, Inc who are one of the top suppliers of electromagnetic analysis tools and is a practical defacto standard in the industry.   Even though I lost 24 hours and about $200.00 due to flight cancellations out of Chicago O'Hare airport, I finally made it to Winnipeg Manitoba CA to meet our long time friends in person.   There, I put my drawings on their trestle boards, shared with them some of our engineering data from our primary engineering supplier ZDR, Inc. and they set to work generating computerized electromagnetic models of the slotted linear motor I designed so many years ago.   To say the least, their first knock-off test models came back with a levitation capacity of more than 400 lbs / lineal inch!    Without any investment in optimization, just a raw copy of my basic design hit a home run on load capacity.  With just a few days of optimization we may easily double our levitation capacity.  The bottom line:  even at our basic state of design a ten inch section of our slotted linear motors can easily support 4,000 lbs.

Special thanks to Jimmy Abston and his crew of audio/video engineers that worked on a second version of the DVD presentation with a completely new mix and voice over that has done great things to help us get the message across.  Here is a link to the 3GP video copy of the DVD video.  The 3GP file format will play on most cell phones and blackberry type hand held computers.

4 Minute 3GP Video Commercial with Voice Over Detail

Special thanks for Partner Mr. Corbett Kroehler and Mr. Jim Griffin down in Central Florida who's support in Florida and in North Carolina has been incredibly important to building awareness with State and County officials.   Mr. Kroehler and Mr. Griffin made arrangements for me to meet with the State of Florida Director of Passenger Rail Transit in Tallahassee.  Yes, the meeting went very well indeed, and we look forward to working more with the Global Green Alliance in the Future.  Please see their website:

If you have not had a chance to review the Triage Traveler or the Grand Traveler, you can click on their respective pictures to get to their web pages.  Certainly the Triage Traveler will help save lives everywhere, and the Grand Traveler will just flat out revolutionize business and travel over the next ten years.

Finally, these last few paragraphs in the 2007 Annual Message I want to talk about how the Interstate Traveler Company's family of products are set to make a whole new world of improvements in the quality of life for people all over the planet, not just here in the good ol' US of A.   Yes, we all know how the Hydrogen Super Highway will give us all a new public right of way that will enable us to be whisked away at a couple hundred miles an hour down our highways faster, safer, quieter and cleaner than ever before.   Yes, we know about how the Solar powered Hydrogen energy cycle that produces clean water and enables us to power plasma arc systems that can destroy biological and chemical contaminates in sewage and other waste waters.   Hydroponic HighwayBut did you know that all of this enables the Hydrogen Super Highway to become one of the world's largest growers of food?  

As our Partners all know, we must work hard to deliver the message about the Traveler using the right frame of reference to the right people so that they can grasp the bigger picture, so on that note I am proud to share our most recent product illustration for the Hydroponic Highway: our system integration that will make highways all over the world blossom with abundance.


Lastly, and perhaps the most important issue about Global Warming has been addressed by the Interstate Traveler Company with a treatise on the long discussed concepts of a Space Shield.  Many scientists in recent history have postulated on different ways of protecting our atmosphere from the constant heat of the Sun which far out performs our meager activities on the planet surface to heat the atmosphere.   Yes, man's industrial revolution has filled our atmosphere with Carbon which is trapping vast amounts of heat that could very soon cause an accelerated loss of our last remaining ice sheets, like the Greenland Ice Sheet, and cause a global ocean rise any where from ten to twenty feet or more which will wipe out most of our coastal cities.    So, with this in mind I set about to make a simple mathematical model to show that a simple space shield at about 1,000 miles out in space placed in sidereal orbit between the Earth and the Sun to reflect away measurable amounts of heat before it ever has a chance to heat our atmosphere.   These basic models show that we could easily build a four square kilometer space frame supporting nothing but light weight cloth like material that costs less than $100.00 per square meter to put in space, can reflect away more than 164 Trillion BTUs from our atmosphere on a yearly basis.

All of our product development descriptions are now organized on two separate web pages which have been recently updated.  One is called "Products" the other is "Forward.Thinking" or Future Projects.  I invite you to take a look at what our product offerings look like to the typical visitor to our website.  Also I have updated the "Photo_Gallery" page with new links to Animations, Videos and Posters:

In closing, I want to thank each and everyone who has joined this company or has otherwise dedicated their precious time to carry forward these important areas of work so that so many generations yet to come will be able to enjoy the fruits of our labors today.

May you have an extraordinary year in 2008 and may we all be riding on our first demonstration model before the end of June!

God Speed Thee All on your life's journey.  May we meet again soon and share the joy of working hard together to bring these important works to fruition.

Very Truly and Sincerely yours,

Justin Sutton
Founder and Managing Partner

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Last modified: 05/07/13