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Socialist Republic of Vietnam

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Land Area: 331,210  sq km
Coastline: 3,444  km
Population: 86,967,524  people (2008 est)
Irrigated Land 30,000 sq km
Airports 44  
Pipelines 314  km (combined estimate)
Railroads  (Broad Gauge) 178  km
Railroads  (Narrow Gauge) 2,169  km
Total Rail Roads in Vietnam 2,347  km
Paved Roads 42,167  km (Total)  [1,718.9 Miles]
Unpaved Roads 180,012  km
Total Road Ways in Vietnam 222,179  km
National Electrical Demand 48.08 Billion kWh (2006 est)

$4.8 Billion(USD) Estimate for Building on 300 Miles of Roads in Vietnam

Interstate Traveler estimated cost  
$10 Million / Km   ($16 Million / Mile)

Estimated cost to integrate on 300 Miles of Road (482.79 Kilometers)
300 Miles * $16 Million / Mile = $4.82 Billion

Estimated Solar Grid on 300 Miles of Road
5,280 ft/mile * 16 feet in width = 84,480 sqft / mile
84,480 SqFt / Mile * 300 Miles = 25,344,000 Square Feet of Photo Voltaics

Estimated Photo Voltaic Performance
20 Watts / Square Foot / Hour

Estimated Total Solar Grid Performance on 300 Miles of Rail per hour:
25,344,000 * 20 = 506,880,000 Watts/Hour or about 506 Megawatts / Hour

Net Energy Production Estimated Annual Energy Production for 300 Miles of rail (8 hours / day *365)
506, 880,000 watts/hour * 8 = 4,055,040,000 watts / day * 365 = 1,480,089,600,000 watts / year
1.4 Billion kWh/year ( 2.9% of the National Energy Demand)

System would support a starting number of 900 Transports (3 every 1 Mile) at 80 passengers each for a simultaneous passenger capacity of 72,000 pedestrians.

Estimated Revenue on Transit fee of $0.05/minute/person >>> 72,000 * .05 = $3,600/minute or $216,000.00 / hour during rush hour.

$23.4 Billion(USD) Estimated for Building on 2,347 Kilometers of Rail Roads in Vietnam:

Interstate Traveler estimated cost  
$10 Million / Km  ($16 Million / Mile)

Estimated cost to integrate all Vietnam's Rail Roads
$23.4 Billion  for 2,347 Kilometers (1,457.5 Miles)

Estimated Solar Grid on 2,347 Kilometers of HyRail:
3,280.83 ft/Kilometer * 16 feet in width = 52,493.28 Sqft/Kilometer
52,493.28 * 2,347 =  123,201,728 square feet of Photo Voltaic.

Estimated Photo Voltaic Performance:
20 Watt / Square Foot / Hour

Estimated Total Solar Grid Performance for 2,347 Kilometers of rail per hour:
123,201,728 * 20 = 2,464,034,560 Watts/Hour  (2,464 Megawatts per hour same as 2.5 Million Kw/Hr)

Net Energy Production Estimated Annual Energy Production for 2,347 Km of rail (8 hours / day * 365)
2,464,034,560 * 8 = 19,712,276,480 Watts/Day  * 365 = 7,194,980,915,200 Watts / Year
7.2 Billion kWh/Year   (14.9% of National Electrical Demand 2006)

System would support a starting number of 7,041 Transports (3 every 1 Km) at 80 passengers each for a simultaneous passenger capacity of 563,280 people.  

Revenue on transit fee of $0.05/minute/person >> 563,280 * .05 = $28,164.00/minute or $1,689,840.00 / hour during rush hour.


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Last modified: 05/07/13