Interstate Traveler Company

Building the World Wide Hydrogen Super Highway...



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September 12 2010

 Rebuttal to the Harassment, Public Slander and Violation of Contract Terms by the person Doug Hembruff.

 About Doug Hembruff’s assumption, opinion and slander, etc.  Here he claims that all our efforts are just smoke and mirrors, Doug is a fool who is making terribly inaccurate assumptions and drumming up false scenarios to support his opinion which is the basis of his major mental malfunction. 

 Doug Hembruff, besides appearing to be an ignorant socio-psychopath bent on discrediting a company that existed, unmolested, for nearly seven years before his late arrival, it also appears that he has mercenary motives with a very probable bribe motivating him to attack us and harass the members of our company and make deliberate efforts to defame and discredit people in our company and by association, people he has never met.

 The balance of justice, to say the ‘Scales” of justice are the icon of fairness to reliably determine an “Equal Measure”.   The human mind is a machine that compares things all day long to enable choices to be made…   Doug Hembruff’s choices are the measure of him and let us compare the effort Hembruff has made by publishing his “Opinion” which is that me and the Interstate Traveler Company are a fraud and can not deliver.   A notion I still find bizarre coming from a scientifically ignorant unemployed camera man with virtually no evidence to be found anywhere to show that he has any business or technical experience to make his unfounded claims.  Clearly he has invested more of his time in slandering me and my company than he has invested in his own character building by publishing any real ‘body of work’ that a twelve year old could produce if they were a “camera man” let alone showing any evidence of being an expert in anything whatsoever.

 Our Partnership that is the Interstate Traveler Company is comprised of retired GM, Ford and Chrysler executive leadership, labor managers and production leaders.    Further our Partners include owners of large tool and die companies that are the backbone of automotive production in Detroit and Doug gleefully slanders them as much as me he says that our company is just smoke and mirrors.    Out of respect for the reader I will abbreviate his name for the rest of this rebuttal as DH pronounced “Duh” sort of like how back in the 1980’s people would say things such as: “Like Duh!!”  Which means: “Don’t you understand?”

 On the home page of our website, available to the world for all to see, are the logos of 14 companies with embedded hyperlinks on the left side of the page, and hyperlinks to four other companies at the bottom of the page which, together, are all a part of our organization, either by contract of by association, that is eighteen (18) automotive, engineering and marketing related companies.   There are a multitude of other companies that are involved and under contract that do NOT have their logos on our website for security reasons.   The malicious and slanderous buffoonery of DH is a perfect example as to why.

 In DH’s “Opinion”, he says it is his opinion that I, nor this company can deliver what is described on the website that I created personally with sketches, diagrams, engineering drawings, technical summaries, computer models for young’s modulus, kinematics models on our suspension system, FEA models on our electromotive force profiles on our coil arrangements, and animations galore.  All of which DH tries to ignore and act as if it does not exist.    I can tell you with relative certainty that working alone “I” could not build this system as an individual, but that is why I built a company built to create an entirely new industrial model that will be larger than the automotive industry within ten years.  This is exactly why the Interstate Traveler Company, LLC has been built over the course of more than fifteen years with our incorporation papers filed with the State of Michigan now more than seven years ago.    In the large part, DH’s assumption is that it is just me, one man by himself, and that I can not deliver, but THAT assumption makes him the largest ass on the planet when it is not about ‘me’, it is about WE.   We the Partners of the Interstate Traveler Company, which now account for 265 individual contracts that represent the direct personal interest of thousands of people at the present time, represent some of the finest talent in the automotive and aerospace industries.    The tragic nature of the slanderous buffoonery of DH is that he not only slanders me, he slanders every single person in this company and the employees of all the companies that are a part of our network of production associates which numbers in the thousands.

 The mercenary motives of Doug Hembruff are also demonstrated in his attempt to force a dis-association between the Interstate Traveler Company and an organization known as IBEW/NECA.   The IBEW/NECA is the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and National Electrical Contractors Association.    The mercenary and malicious actions of DH where executed by him after hearing one hour radio program that aired on WJR AM 760 News Radio in Detroit.   DH being ignorant of the fact that I have been working with these people for years and the fact that it is actually the responsibility of the IBEW/NECA to organize all our electrical workers, sent a letter to them about his “Opinion” that “I” could not deliver.   It is a ridiculous assumption and a ridiculous notion that he would propose to THE organization in the United States that, just in Michigan alone has more than 2,000 Journeymen Electricians that are starving to death for work to feed their families.    When DH says that “I” can’t deliver he is directly affecting the future of those 2,000 skilled tradesmen that are not as ignorant as DH about how electric systems work and how electromotive forces operate inside an electric motor.

Here is another example of Doug Hembruff’s heinous, mercenary and pernicious intent to do great harm not just to me only, but to all the people who are involved in this company, I will narrate a short story about how DH got involved in our company before he made it is full time job to tear it apart like a stupid rabid dog.   DH was recommended by two Partners of our from Florida who have done great work to advance our company in Florida and elsewhere around the world.   One of those Partners is a contractor for NASA who was kind enough to introduce me to an old friend of his named Dr. Addison Bain.   For the record, Dr. Bain is one of America’s most outstanding rocket scientists since right after WWII who has been at the fore-front of just about everything the Federal Government has done with hydrogen be it in the DOD since WWI and the eventual formation of NASA.     As the Hydrogen Super Highway or HyRail is built upon a plumbing and energy system that enables the mass production of hydrogen on a national and eventually global scale, Dr. Addison Bain has provided a letter of endorsement specifically on our integration of the solar powered hydrogen production systems and built in pipeline distribution.   I will explain why I introduce you to Dr. Bain after a little bit more background.   Now, on January 28th of this year I made a presentation at the USDOT about the Hydrogen Super Highway in elaborate detail.   This presentation I am referring to was made possible after a meeting with Director of the Office of Corporate R&T of the Federal Highway Administration.  My meeting with Director Elston was made possible by Partner Ray Fullerton who met her at a meeting at University of Michigan in November of 2009.   My face to face meeting with Director Elston was on Monday November 23rd at roughly 6pm at Union Station in Washington DC.  Now, back to January 28th of this year, my meeting at the Turner-Fairbank Hyw. Research Center in McLean Virginia was with Dr. Kunik Lee who is the FHWA Chief Safety Scientist and Mr. David Kuehn who is a Program Manager for Exploratory Advanced Research at the FHWA.   It was Director Debra Elston who scheduled this meeting, but she did not attend.   During my conversation these two men I had spoke about Hydrogen as a fuel for airplanes.   Case in point, the Turner-Fairbank Center is directly next door to the CIA, where one can see a decommissioned SR-71 Blackbird jet airplane up on a concrete pylon which was originally designed to fly on Liquid Hydrogen.   The points I was making to these two men were about the requirements of bulk hydrogen to serve the thousands of commercial aircraft in the United States and world wide.   Well, as is customary, I almost always bring a Partner or two or more with me to high-level meetings as witness to my conversation.   My meeting on the 28th was witness by United States Army Col (Ret) Andre Sauvageot who is a Partner and DH who also by the nature of the signed contracts I have on file is a Partner.   Now, unbeknown to me at that time, DH being an ignorant fool, did not understand that Hydrogen will function as a fuel in just about ANY jet engine with virtually no modifications for long term use.  Regardless of the nature of my conversation with the two men from USDOT, Mr. DH decided that I was crazy and was attempting to mislead the government.   Apparently from this point forward DH has been meticulously trying to undermine my credibility to the point of outright slander in the highest order.   DH then began to try and harass, intimidate and cajole some of the Partners that he could find starting with a meeting DH held at our Detroit office with three other Partners where he began is plan to destroy me and try and take over my company because the work of the company was too important to be left to the people who actually founded and built the company.   Now, referring back to Dr. Bain, much to everyone’s astonishment, DH wrote a letter to Dr. Bain literally ‘telling’ the nation’s premier hydrogen scientist that because DH heard me talk about hydrogen as jet fuel that I was a fraud.   Well, Dr. Bain wrote back to the mendacious DH and instructed him on the facts of Hydrogen as a jet fuel and listed several airplanes that Bain was familiar with dating back to the 1950s.   This did not matter to DH because the then wrote another nasty intimidation letter to the Partner who introduced me to Dr. Bain and in the most vile and false pretenses proceeded to explain that our Partner had destroyed his relationship with Dr. Bain because of the association with the Hydrogen Super Highway which could not be farther from the truth.  I say most vile and false because DH is an evil interloper who just showed up out of nowhere and he has been trying to rip apart relationships in this company with psychotic zeal.   What DH does not understand is that our Partner and Dr. Bain have been professional co-workers at NASA for many, many, many years and they have seen nut-bags like DH many times before.    I quote our Partner from Florida in this email to me about DH which was sent to me on March 24 2010 after receiving a very long and nasty letter from DH:

Thank you for the kind words, his [Doug H] vile missive could not have come at a worse time for me because [Wife] and I are leaving for the Mayo Clinic in an hour and the next two days are going to be very challenging! I will forever despise him for this needless attack!

Doug sees what he wants to see and apparently is bent on completely disregarding the things that cause our price to be lower and our profitability higher than Transrapid. He cannot even begin to make his point because he never addressed the reasons we claim a lower price in the first place!

I am still stunned that he seems to have become irrationally aggressive and insulting, he was always a busy body, but I did not think he had this kind of Mr Hyde feature to his personality.

 Further all of this is underscored by the fact that DH was our official representative to North American High Speed Rail conference in Gatineau QC this past November 3rd.  By an unknown mysterious force, my guess is by the malicious manipulations of DH the NAHSR organization had a schism and two of their people broke away to form a new organization called the US High Speed Rail Association.  I was informed of all of this by DH and then formally introduced to Andy Kunz the President and CEO of the USHSRA and Joseph Shelhorse the Vice President of the USHSRA at a meeting at Union Station in DC.   On February 9th DH himself forwarded a letter from Joseph Shelhorse that the USHSRA does not want to have the Hydrogen Super Highway at their event as the VP of the USHRSA he said and I quote: “We feel more comfortable sticking with Steel wheel on Steel track at this time.”  

On January 13th of this year there was battle lines drawn between the USHSRA and the American High Speed Rail Alliance with a press release.   DH was the first to tell me about it and he chose to side with Andy Kunz and the USHSRA.

 Feel free to compare the two organizations:

 On January 14th  (The day after the above mentioned press release) Doug Hembruff personally introduce me to Andy Kunz and Joseph Shelhorse.   This is right about the time Doug Hembruff started getting strange…  Is this just a strange coincidence?    The picture of that meeting at Union Station is posted on my Facebook Account.   Photo-Justin-Sutton-UHSRA-Andy-Kunz-Dough-Hembruff-Joseph-Shelhorse

You can see that picture here:

 Maybe DH as with the other proponents of steel wheel systems, in his misguided brain is attacking us because he thinks steel wheel trains are better, or he is getting paid off by someone to cause us trouble.   Well, with the bloody fatalities of the history of steel wheel trains that clear for any body to read in old and recent history, I can not in any fiber of my body advocate for steel wheel trains that, by design, will come off the tracks.   This is a large part of my personal motivation because of the fatalities in the past.   There are about 40,000 car crash fatalities on our Interstate Highway system each year of innocent men, women and children, and hundreds of thousands maimed for life from those car accidents.  We here at the Interstate Traveler Company are working as hard as we can to get our system built to help save lives and create jobs and surplus green energy.   As I have been raised to respect people, to be of service to others, to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and bind up the wounds of the afflicted, I have the obligation to do what is right with my time and the charge to make sure that I do not do anything that will embarrass my family, friends and business partners.   So I have the obligation to defend against Doug Hembruff’s insidious attacks.  


When Doug first started this crap back in January and well into February he caused great conflicts and arguments among people when his lies began to spread.  The Partners all wrote him off as a quack, but, lo and behold, he is a vicious attacker bent on destruction.


DH is not just a snake in the grass; he is a lying, cheating, back stabbing and evil venom spitting viper, and is probably being paid by someone to attack us like he is…. 


Very Truly and Sincerely Yours,
Justin Sutton
Founder and Managing Partner
Interstate Traveler Company, LLC


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Last modified: 05/07/13