Interstate Traveler Company
 Building the WorldWide Hydrogen Super Highway...
Help America achieve the Cleanest and Fastest Moving Economy in the World!

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Click the tower to hear a statement by the Founder Justin Eric Sutton


January 1st 2009

Annual Message to the Partnership

Dear Partners, Friends and Associates,

It has now been more than 13 years and 10 months since I began this effort to build the Hydrogen Super Highway.  Now after hundreds of meetings enabling many thousands of people to see the presentation by me, or by one of our Partners or Associates, we have reached every major market in the world with direct relationships.  Further, beyond our direct communications, we receive web hits coming from Countries and Cites all over the world.   In the last month more than 1,500 hits have originated from Beijing China which is second only in total web hits from California.

I have the task before me of not only being ready to launch this company into production and to guide all those who will facilitate our global operations, but also to provide a historic account of the many years of effort that have brought us safely thus far.    For the sake of all the new Partners whom have joined our ranks in the last year or two I will first reflect on our beginning and include a list of the first reference letters that began our public record back in 2002 and 2003 when I first published.

These two pages of hand written notes from March 19th 1995 were the catalyst of this effort.  Please take a look at them and consider the evolution of an Idea who's time has come; not just by chance alone, but by the dedicated efforts of the many Partners of the Interstate Traveler Company and Associates.


After publishing with the SBA back in 2002 I began to seek endorsements, starting with local bank officials.  Then soon after, Lark Samouelian and I, (with the help of Jack Salo [who is now our Chief Operations Officer] and my Dad [who made all this possible]), traversed the State of Michigan meeting with and making presentations to the Metropolitan Planning Organizations, also known as regional Councils of Government a.k.a COGs.  These COGs are made set up as multi-county planning organizations of various sizes.  Lark and I met with all but two in the State of Michigan along with many other organizations like the Detroit/Wayne Port Authority, the Detroit Intermodal Association and Ocean Freight Association, the Transportation Club of Detroit, a multitude of Universities, etc, etc.  Lark's son Alan lead his team of five Executive MBA students at the University of Notre Dame who wrote their graduate paper on our business model and upgraded our business plan to meet university specifications.  We even met with the people who created NextEnergy at Wayne State in Detroit before they even had an office or a website.  Even thought the Pinnacle of our work thus far in Michigan is the Unanimous endorsements of the House and Senate in 2003; the work has only increased since that time to keep our momentum growing internationally. 

I clearly remember the day back in 2002 when my State Representative Mr. Gene DeRossett of District 55 first came to my office and began to walk us through the halls of government in Lansing which led to those Resolutions. Representative DeRossett sat right next to me when I presented the HyRail to the City of Detroit on the 31st of January 2003 in the City Council Chambers.  I clearly remember the day when the US DOC Director for Michigan, Mr. Richard Corson first came to my office in Whitmore Lake, and began to help us make international contacts with official National Trade Delegations from Baghdad  to Beijing.    Each and every one of the one hundred and six Partners we have on our books represents a whole chapter in our history and one day I look forward compiling a library of them all, but I will have to keep this letter brief.

Here are 26 links to a series of references letters listed by chronological order.  I am sure there are other letters like these in our archives, but these may be the most important for this letter.   Even though it is approaching seven years since I published, these moments, meetings, milestones and memoirs are still very fresh in my mind.

  1. Angela S.Gammage - Assistant Vice President Small Business Banking Group
    National City Bank of Michigan/Illinois -
    July 17th 2002

  2. John P. Hanson - Mi State Representative 52nd District -
    July 17th 2002

  3. Mike Rogers - US Congressman Mi 8th District -
    September 18th 2002

  4. Greg Cook - CEO/Executive Director of Ann Arbor Transportation Authority -
    September 3rd 2002

  5. Greg Cook - Acceptance Letter for Advisory Board -
    November 13th 2002


  6. City of Detroit Presentation Request - Page 1 -
    November 13th 2002

  7. City of Detroit -Presentation Request - Page 2 -
    November 13th 2002

  8. City of Detroit - Interoffice Request -
    November 22nd 2002


  9. Judy Lammers - Executive Director of the Southwestern Michigan Commission
    December 16th 2002


  10. L. Charles Mulholland - Chair & Dave Bee - Director of West Michigan Regional Planning Commission
    December 13th 2002


  11. Thomas P. McFadden - Vice President - Commercial Lending of the Bank of Washtenaw
    July 19th 2002


  12. City of Detroit - Council Agenda - Interstate Traveler Presentation -
    January 31st 2003


  13. Mark Gaffney - AFL-CIO -

  14. Sandeep Dey - Executive Director of West Michigan Regional Shoreline Development Commission -
    January 15th 2003


  15. Michigan House and Senate Resolutions April and May of 2003

  16. George W. Dunn - President / CEO of the Middle Michigan Development Corporation (to MDOT Director)
    August 6th 2003


  17. Honorable Rick Johnson - Speaker of the House - State of Michigan (to MDOT Director)
    August 8th 2003


  18. Harry Lester - District Director- District 2 of the United Steel Workers of America (AFL-CIO/CLC)
    August 11th 2003


  19. W. Steven Olinek - Deputy Director of the Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority
    February 20th 2003


  20. Sue Fortune - Executive Director - East Central Michigan Planning & Development Regional Commission -
    January 31st 2003  _page1_

  21. Joe Schwarz  - Congressman 7th District of Michigan -
    March 5th 2005

  22. Sir Issac Newton Award  -
    July 11th 2005

  23. International Association of Electrical Inspectors Magazine -
    September - October 2005

  24. City of Detroit - City Council Correspondence-
    January 19th-2006

  25. City of Detroit - City Council Correspondence -
    February 2nd 2006.jpg

  26. City of Detroit - City Council Correspondence -
    February 24th 2006

  27. City of Detroit - City Council Correspondence -
    March 16th 2006

  28. City of Detroit - Former Mayor Kilpatrick Letter to Chairman Brooks -
     August 16th 2006

Of the many great, humbling and exalted efforts put forth by the Partnership at large, there are far too many to list in this brief account of 2008 and the years preceding.  But here I am pleased to acknowledge a few of the most influential.   You all remember Partner Mr. Corbett Kroehler, a.k.a., Mr. Sustainable, whom discovered the Interstate Traveler when the City of Ferndale endorsed our system.  Corbett has been a key player in our communications network in Florida for several years bringing great people to the table such as Partner Adam Nehr from NASA, Partner Jim Griffin of Project Green America and many others whom have been brought in to our network as associates.    Partner Adam Neher introduced us to Partner Gretchen Miller from Seattle who has held meetings from Seattle, Honolulu, Las Angles, Hollywood, Las Vegas and Orlando with representatives in Dubai and Saudi Arabia.   Adam also introduced us to Dr. Addison Bain who built the hydrogen fueling system for the NASA Space Shuttle and is one of the top five Hydrogen Scientists in the world.  

I have herein included the link to the recorded conference call from 11/11/2008 that was facilitated by Mr. Kroehler.  This conference call had more than 30 phone lines open and more probably more than 50 people listing live to the dozen people whom made presentations about their work promoting the HyRail internationally.  It is a wonderful conversation to listen to!!!
Right-Click here to download the 30meg audio file
Here is the dial-in telephone number so you do not have a good Internet connection so you call in and listen to the conference call once again
(616) 597-8099
Access Code 471394

When Lark and I first began to organize and build the company, we held multiple Advisory Board meetings during the year in '03, '04, '05, '06 and in 2007.  Because of financial and political pressures we were compelled to reschedule our June 2008 Annual Partnership Meeting to September.  We then got a verbal commitment from EDAG to host our Annual Meeting in June for November 11th.  As destiny would mandate, they were unable to host our Annual Meeting of the 100+ Partners of the Partnership in person, which is something that I regret terribly.   I know many of you were also very upset that we did not all meet in person this last year, but this new year, we will.   Here is the link to the Annual Message of 2007 with the picture of about 60 of the Interstate Traveler Partners that gathered on June 12th 2007.

click the picture to see full size

In building the Interstate Traveler Company, one of the most influential Investor/Partners has been our Chairman Emeritus Dr. Timm J. Finfrock.  Timm's dynamic leadership in 2005 and 2006 brought to us a great season of growth in the Partnership which has grown in many directions and into a network of International industrialists that even now are at the edge of realization.  Timm continues his effort in Mexico, various countries and South America and in the hard edged banking venues in Hong Kong.   Timm also introduced the HyRail to a certain gentleman by the name of Lewis Magee whom immediately brought in James Booth and then to Akua Budu-Watkins and Mr. William C. Brooks, our sitting CEO and Chairman at the Interstate Traveler Company's Executive Offices in Detroit.

Mr. Lewis Magee has done much more than create a bridge that connected us to Mr. Booth, Mrs. Budu-Watkins and to Mr. Brooks (and they to Connie Cole and Linda Mulugotta), he has brought many more great people to our table, and is the one man who has been key to our financial survival in 2008.   We all, me, my family, the Partners of this company and all the people the future that will benefit from our collective efforts in the future must remember that Lewis made it possible for us to survive in 2008 by bringing good Partners to the table to help keep the bills paid.  It is a very real problem that I do have bills to pay as an individual, the company has bills to pay for professional services, travel, printing, gasoline, food, rent, insurance, phones and money does not grow on trees any more than the State will let you drive a car without paying a few hundred dollars a month to some insurance company.   Thank you Lewis ...  you know the true meaning of why we are reminded in the New Testament of why when we light a candle, we do not place it under a bushel, but on top to give light to the whole room.

Certainly the year 2008 will be known as a Bad Political Year in Detroit.  Such as it was, our local efforts were best to stand down and quietly wait until Detroit establishes a stable government.   Brooks and Akua were wise to advise me to stay out of Detroit as they saw the writing on the wall a very long time ago when even they were rudely handled by the former Mayor.   I thank them for their insight and commitment to Detroit and to getting this thing done right.   Even now Detroit is not at rest as a new election for Mayor will be held twice this year, and still there remains Federal investigations with the City Council of Detroit.

Now it is a new day, and our work building the HyRail is far more important than who the Mayor of Detroit is, or even who the Governor of Michigan may be, since their jobs of local civil administration are far removed from our job as an international commercial and industrial organization.  Mayors and Governors may come and go every few years, but once we begin production of this rail system, it will stand for centuries upon centuries providing transportation, clean water, food, waste mitigation, communications and ALL the many benefits of the Public Private Partnership that will make direct payments to every community in the Country that will be far more effective at funding public works than any tax on income or personal property.

When we began the year of 2008, we hit the ground running when Mr. Terry Tyler who set up or presentation with the Indiana High Speed Rail Association and the Subcommittee on Transportation under the Michigan Senate Appropriations Committee.  Mr. Tyler helped to build several very important bridges including our introduction to Dr. James Anderson of Michigan State University.   Dr. Anderson's work as a Professor of Economic History at MSU enabled him to immediately see the historic context of this new industrial revolution of transportation and green energy and the significance for a vital rebuilding of Detroit.   Dr. Anderson wrote a three page letter of recommendation that was read by him in person and formally submitted to the Transportation Sub-committee of the Michigan Senate Appropriations Committee.   Again, we were met with a great and hearty welcome by these Committee members and those local Lansing people who were in attendance.  But still Governor Granholm's office remains silent.   Now as we begin 2009, we have a great many new State Representatives in Michigan and I have received the verbal commitment by one of them who has chosen to base his entire political career on launching the HyRail in the State of Michigan, as soon as possible.

Our Chairman Mr. Brooks also made one very key introduction to Mr. Jay Wilber who is our Chief Labor Officer.  Jay Wilber traveled with James Booth, Katharina Wagenti and myself to San Antonio Texas to participate in the2007 Global Border Security Conference.   Jay Wilber also brought to us, Laurie Moncrieff who is the 4th generation owner and CEO of Schmald Tool & Die, Inc. of Burton Michigan.  Jay Wilber and Laurie Moncrieff have been working all over Michigan and around the United States to build a workable coalition of tool and die companies and are in the lead position to manage our supply chain when we go into production.

Certainly the year 2009 will be a year of great change for the whole world, not just with the political success of peaceful international policy between Nations.  But with our global operations in full swing, there will be a new race for industrial growth building as much Rail as possible because every where we go, we bring light, life and financial stability.  

You may know that we have invested a great effort into building our relationships with an organization tasked with rebuilding several cities in Indonesia.  The Indonesia Initiative has realized that the HyRail will enable the fastest growth possible for their new cities while creating the infrastructure to supply hydrogen as a fuel in those cities.  Our conversations with the Indonesia Initiative began first with the real-estate holders of 2,500 acres in the Baja Peninsula whom seek to build the largest Port in the western hemisphere. They have measured the values and abilities of the HyRail to enable this new Port to reach all of North and South America with greater safety, reliability and security than any other proposed system.  All while the HyRail will be providing electrical power, clean water, etc. to the new Port.  These folks are an amazing group of international business people and they have already talked with me about systems that will require 100's of kilometers of rail.

Project Green America created by Partner Jim Griffin is in position to be the largest and most politically centralized Green Energy conference in the world.    Please visit and review the organization, moral guidance and objectives of Project Green America and plan to attend this historic event in August 2009.   If all goes according to plan, we will have our demonstration unit built and on display at this event on the Potomac River for all the world to see.

The President Elect of the United States of America has inherited the Oval office and all the victories and vicissitudes that go with it.   We have made numerous contacts with his administration and transition teams and we have seen and heard the subtle statements of Mr. Obama and the pundits who all speak the words of sustainable development and the need for a new industrial economy based on green power.  Just bear in mind that we have made a great multitude of contacts with his organization from multiple independent groups and individuals and we will just have to wait until after January 20th to see what he will do with the opportunity he has a President.  I wish him God's speed and God's guidance in his every decision

So, please, everyone, when you reflect on where we have been and what the world will be like in the future when we have a million miles of rail built around the world, remember my thanks to you for helping me build this system, for protecting me financially so that my family was not forced to take any of the many gross, insulting and practically obscene and hostile buyout efforts by those who would seek to covet and horde the values of the HyRail and forsake the general public, me and my family, and all of you who now hold a Certificate of Ownership in this company.   The words "Thank You" will never be enough to realize the many blessings for millions of people yet unborn who will reap the benefits of our good work.

We should all rejoice in one-another's commitment to this world changing effort and let us look forward together to a greener and more prosperous world for everyone and the millions of people in the generations to come.

May the Great Creator of Life as we know it continue to shine happiness and goodness into your hearts, and strengthen us to the work we are here engaged to do.

Click here to download a MS Word copy of this letter for your records.

Have a safe, prosperous and wonderful new year!

Sincerely and Very Truly Yours,


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Last modified: 12/13/08