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Lyon Mech

Advanced Photonix


By attaching the electrode signal generator to a Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) the therapy subject could be made to enjoy rhythmic muscle stimulation to directed by the music of their choice.

The therapy subject may be able to select from a library of stimulation routines such as Tai Chi and Yoga poses, or simple walking motions and traditional calisthenics motions.

Bearing in mind that most of today video games designed to entertain children are developed using off-the-shelf motion capture technology.  No one has yet produced a therapeutic system that takes advantage of these technologies, until now.

The Historical Record of Dance

The Museums of the future will contain archives of 3D Videos of dances styles and choreographed scenes all captured in 3D.  So even if some day in the future some rare form of ritual dance from a remote jungle is lost to extinction, it will be there for our eyes in greater detail than an video system could preserve.  Even enough so that a subject may were a BioSuit had have the dance "Taught" to them as they just enjoy the ride.


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Copyright © 2002-2010 Justin Eric Sutton & The Interstate Traveler Company, LLC - All Rights Reserved
Last modified: 05/07/13