Interstate Traveler Company

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Dear Steve,    3-15-06

It was a pleasure to speak with you today and I most certainly look forward to doing business with you.  I look forward to hearing more about how you came to work with Mr. Chandler.   Mr. Chandler has been a long time friend of my father Frank Sutton, and that is how I came to know him.

Here is a link to the Patent that Mr. Chandler helped my father and I file:

On February 2 1999, I was awarded Patent # 5,865,682 for the invention of a spherical pool cue conditioning device.   Click here for the abstract

Below is a series of links that will help give you insight into the depth and breadth of the ITC program.  When we sit down to start writing some patents, I will present you with some other documents that should help.

The ITC Business Plan has evolved quite nicely over the years.   If you want a brief summary you can click the "How Does It Work?" link on the right side of this web page, and click on the "What's The Big Idea?" link on the right.  Here is a link to the most current edition of the full blown business plan that is nearly 70 pages and about 11 megs: " The ITC Business Plan " including the 'strategic analysis' performed by a team of 5 executive MBA students from Notre Dame.  By downloading this business plan,  you agree to keep it confidential.

Also, here is the link to our FAQ:

Here is a link to an Excel Workbook which spells out most of our analysis for the 54,000 mile system.  Here is version 5 and v8.

../../Calculators/National Quote v5.xls

../../Calculators/National Quote v8.xls

Here is the link to the ITC Library:

Here is the link to the latest ITC in Detroit PowerPoint (5 megs) you may need to re-link the animations...  follow the instructions/links below to get the animations again if you don't have them handy.

../../MEDIA/PowerPoint/ITC PowerPoint Detroit 2-3-2006.ppt

Here is the link to the power point presentation I used during my presentation to a joint meeting of the US DOE and DOT back in June.

../images/PowerPoint/ITC PowerPoint US DOE-DOT 6-1-05.ppt

By the way, I have linked into the presentation two animations, and you will need to copy them both into the same folder you copy the PowerPoint presentation so that the animations should play properly when you come to the right slide in the presentation....

../MEDIA/animations/ITC Animations rev4-bgm_large.wmv

Let me know what else you may need...




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Copyright © 2002-2010 Justin Eric Sutton & The Interstate Traveler Company, LLC - All Rights Reserved
Last modified: 05/07/13