Interstate Traveler Company

Building the World Wide Hydrogen Super Highway...



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Affiliated Production Companies


Lyon Mech

Advanced Photonix


Dear Michael, Frank and Shakib,

On behalf of the ITC and company, I look forward to our mutual success.

As per our conversation, this web page will be used as a tool to share information on the Interstate Traveler as we move forward.

The ITC Business Plan has evolved quite nicely over the years.   If you want a brief summary you can click the "How Does It Work?" link on the right side of this web page, and click on the "What's The Big Idea?" link on the right.  Here is a link to the most current edition of the full blown business plan that is nearly 70 pages and about 11 megs:

By downloading or otherwise accessing this document you agree to keep it confidential for your eyes only.  Further, you are not to copy or redistribute any portion of the information contained in this document without written permission from me allowing you to do so, and that you will keep all information communicated to you by me as confidential unless otherwise agreed in writing. 

If you have confidential advisors working for or with you that are governed by non-disclosure terms with you, you may share this information with them fully exercising the limitations of your 3rd party non-disclosure terms to their fullest extent to protect the confidentiality of the information you seek to access.  Finally, click on the following hyperlink to download the business plan and by doing so you signify that you agree to these terms:

Enjoy!  :)

By clicking on this linked sentence to download the business plan, I agree to these terms and will keep this business plan confidential as stated above

For our presentation to a joint meeting with the US DOT and the US DOE regarding the national impact of the Traveler, we created a PowerPoint Presentation specifically for that purpose.  The following three links include the PowerPoint file and the two embedded animation files that go along with it.  You have to copy the two animation files into the same folder as the PowerPoint for them to play properly during the PowerPoint presentation.

../images/PowerPoint/ITC PowerPoint US DOE-DOT 6-1-05.ppt

../MEDIA/animations/ITC Animations rev4-bgm_large.wmv


Here are some additional links to articles that have been published world wide:

Protecting America's Borders


Solving America's Energy and Transportation Problems


American Computers Science Association's Review of the Interstate Traveler

Here are links to the two spreadsheets you will want to examine.  Bear in mind that we have adopted a time base fee system for rider ship and freight which is directly proportional to the cost of levitation.   The spread sheets that you will see here have allot of information in them, so brew up a pot of coffee and enjoy!  :)  Please also keep these in strict confidence as well.

../Calculators/ITC Energy Calculator Single Page.xls

../Calculators/National Quote v5.xls

We will get back to you on the language that Frank has supplied, as well as our modified fee structure for the contract as soon as we can.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Sincerely - Justin


Send mail to CompanyWebmaster with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2002-2010 Justin Eric Sutton & The Interstate Traveler Company, LLC - All Rights Reserved
Last modified: 05/07/13