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The ErgoPadIV

The ErgoPad is a hand held device that will provide a uniquely efficient ergonomic design that captures maximum stability and comfort while held in the grasp of one hand and operated with the maximum degrees of freedom with minimum degeneration of grasp quality.  Primary claim is the thumb activated mini joy stick that is surrounded with option buttons activated by the same thumb, also having option buttons for each finger tip, primarily the index finger opposing the thumb of the same hand that is grasping and controlling the same device.

Any device were the hand can grab a handle formed to the palm of the hand so as to fill a semi closed fist posture used to grasp the handle where the thumb will activate a very small joy stick.  The opposing first finger is extended along the opposite side of the device as the thumb as to form a pinching posture.  There would be buttons placed surrounding the joy stick and underneath the finger tip of the first finger as it is placed in the most comfortable position opposing the thumb.

Key Benefits

  • Single Hand Operation
  • Easily used for hand writing / touch screen use
  • Pistol grip can house a huge battery
  • 5ghz wireless communications
  • Frequency modulation to avoid noise interference signal jamming.
  • Voice Recognition
  • Global Positioning System
  • Workgroup relative position identification
  • Cell phone
  • Wireless earphone/microphone/heads-up display

Click on this picture to see an AVI File (6.67mb) showing hand held.


Description SKU # Price
option 1 sku-1 100
option 2 sku-2 200
option 3 sku-3 300

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Last modified: 10/06/08