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New Zealand
Land Area: |
267,710 |
sq km |
Coastline: |
15,1347 |
km |
Population: |
4,213,418 |
people (2008 est) |
Irrigated Land |
2,8/50 |
sq km |
Airports |
41 |
Pipelines |
2,827 |
km (combined estimate) |
Railroads (Broad Gauge) |
0 |
km |
Railroads (Narrow Gauge) |
4,128 |
km |
Paved Roads |
61,564 |
km (Total) [1,718.9 Miles] |
Unpaved Roads |
32,012 |
km |
National Electrical Demand |
38.93 |
Billion kWh (2006 est) |
Auckland City to Auckland International Airport
with 10 Stations
Estimate for Building 53 Kilometer (33 Miles) System for Auckland to AIA
Interstate Traveler estimated cost
$10 Million / Km
Estimated cost to integrate on 25 Kilometers
53 km * $10 Million / km = $530 Million
Estimated Solar Grid on 53 km
3,280 feet/kilometer * 16 feet in width = 52,480 sqft / kilometer
52,480 SqFt / Mile * 53 km = 2,781,440 Square Feet of PV at minimum
Estimated Photo Voltaic Performance
12 Watts / Square Foot / Hour
Estimated Total Solar Grid Performance on 53 km of Rail per hour:
2,781,440 * 12 = 33,377,280 Watts/Hour or about 33.3 Megawatts / Hour
Net Energy Production Estimated Annual Energy Production for 53 km of
rail (5 hours / day * 365)
33,377,280 watts/hour * 5 = 166,886,400 watts / day * 365 =
60,913,536,000 watts / year
60.9 Million =KW/year
System would support a starting number of 80 Transports at 80 passengers each
for a simultaneous passenger capacity of 6,400.
Estimated Revenue on Transit fee of $0.05/minute/person >>> 6,400 * .05 =
$320.00/minute or $19,200.00 / hour during rush hour.
If at capacity for only six hours a day and empty the rest, annual fare-box
collection would be:
$19,200.00/hr * 6 = $115,200.00/day * 365 = $42,048,000.00 / year
Hyperlink to Google Map
Click Thumbnail for Larger Format
Estimate for Building on 200 Miles of Roads in New Zealand
Interstate Traveler estimated cost
$10 Million / Km ($16 Million / Mile)
Estimated cost to integrate on 200 Miles of Road (321.8 Kilometers)
200 Miles * $16 Million / Mile = $3.2 Billion
Estimated Solar Grid on 200 Miles of Road
5,280 ft/mile * 16 feet in width = 84,480 sqft / mile
84,480 SqFt / Mile * 200 Miles = 16,896,000 Square Feet of Photo Voltaics
Estimated Photo Voltaic Performance
12 Watts / Square Foot / Hour
Estimated Total Solar Grid Performance on 200 Miles of Rail per hour:
16,896,000 * 12 = 202,752,000 Watts/Hour or about 202.75 Megawatts / Hour
Net Energy Production Estimated Annual Energy Production for 200 Miles of
rail (6 hours / day * 365)
202,752,000 watts/hour * 6 = 1,216,512,000 watts / day * 365 =
444,026,880,000 watts / year
0.4 Billion kWh/year ( 1.14% of the National Energy Demand )
System would support a starting number of 600 Transports (3 every 1 Mile) at
80 passengers each for a simultaneous passenger capacity of 48,000 pedestrians.
Estimated Revenue on Transit fee of $0.05/minute/person >>> 48,000 * .05 =
$2,400/minute or $144,000.00 / hour during rush hour.
If at capacity for only six hours a day and empty the rest, annual
fare-box collection would be:
$144,000.00/hr * 6 = $864,000.00/day * 365 = $315,360,000.00 / year
New Zealand HyRail Presentation Booklet for December 2009
Click Here to download the booklet. uploaded 20.December.2009
~20Mbs download
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