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Clusters of Large and Small Domes:

With what we know, we can cheaply and easily build a place that will be a new center for displaced people that need leadership and a 'sense of place' like everyone else on this planet. 

Despair is the worst condition for any human being, and happiness cannot return until hope has been inspired in the hearts of those people that need it most.  Having a "Place" that is solid inspires hope.  Much like the mosques, temples, synagogues, and cathedrals have done for hundreds of generations, it is my hope that these simple, solid, safe, and very large domes will fill that requirement of inspiration, and provide hope for thousands of people. 

Bear in mind that after constructing a large inexpensive dome, others can easily build multi-story traditionally constructed buildings, as required, for utility infrastructure within the dome.  One set of balloon forms could be used to make hundreds of domes. 

A symmetrical dome 100 feet in diameter would provide space for 5 story building in the center and cost less than $200,000 in materials and would provide 7,853 square feet of space under a 50 foot high ceiling.

An Elliptical dome 200 feet in diameter could easily house a 15 story building.  One could liken the concept of the BioDome Humanitarian Complex as the construction of 'hives' for human development and ecological support. 

 Several sets of 20 foot diameter balloon forms could build thousands of homes in less than a year each providing 314.15 square feet of secure living space with as much as a twenty foot ceiling if the balloon forms a designed to create an elliptical dome.


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This site was last updated 07/01/05

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Last modified: 10/06/08