

Welcome to my BioDome Web site!

My name is Justin Sutton.  I am 33 years old.  For the last ten years, I have been an entrepreneur in the computer information services business.  Being born into an entrepreneurial family, I have had a unique opportunity in my life to study many things, and to have the freedom to think for long stretches of time on various inspired thoughts.  Even as I have attend junior college, and worked hard in a university setting, I liken my life's education to have been afforded by the University of H. Frank Sutton.

Since I was a very young child, my father has put many books in front of me, and in the habit of reading text books of all sorts, I have built a nice library for myself.  Combined with the opportunities that being a computer technician have afforded me, I have been inspired to refine this basic idea and invest in professional art work so as to more clearly explain the design.  A picture says a thousand words.


This site was last updated 07/01/05