Interstate Traveler Company

Building the World Wide Hydrogen Super Highway...


New Zealand

Land Area: 267,710  sq km
Coastline: 15,1347  km
Population: 4,213,418  people (2008 est)
Irrigated Land 2,8/50 sq km
Airports 41  
Pipelines 2,827  km (combined estimate)
Railroads  (Broad Gauge) 0  km
Railroads  (Narrow Gauge) 4,128  km
Paved Roads 61,564  km (Total)  [1,718.9 Miles]
Unpaved Roads 32,012  km
National Electrical Demand 38.93 Billion kWh (2006 est)

Auckland City to Auckland International Airport
 with 10 Stations

Estimate for Building 53 Kilometer (33 Miles) System for Auckland to AIA

Interstate Traveler estimated cost  
$10 Million / Km

Estimated cost to integrate on 25 Kilometers
53 km * $10 Million / km  = $530 Million

Estimated Solar Grid on 53 km
3,280 feet/kilometer * 16 feet in width = 52,480 sqft / kilometer
52,480 SqFt / Mile * 53 km = 2,781,440 Square Feet of PV at minimum

Estimated Photo Voltaic Performance
12 Watts / Square Foot / Hour

Estimated Total Solar Grid Performance on 53 km of Rail per hour:
2,781,440 * 12 = 33,377,280 Watts/Hour or about 33.3 Megawatts / Hour

Net Energy Production Estimated Annual Energy Production for 53 km of rail (5 hours / day * 365)
33,377,280 watts/hour * 5 = 166,886,400 watts / day * 365 = 60,913,536,000 watts / year
60.9 Million =KW/year

System would support a starting number of 80 Transports at 80 passengers each for a simultaneous passenger capacity of 6,400.

Estimated Revenue on Transit fee of $0.05/minute/person >>> 6,400 * .05 = $320.00/minute or $19,200.00 / hour during rush hour.

If at capacity for only six hours a day and empty the rest, annual fare-box collection would be:
$19,200.00/hr * 6 = $115,200.00/day * 365 = $42,048,000.00 / year

Hyperlink to Google Map

Click Thumbnail for Larger Format

Estimate for Building on 200 Miles of Roads in New Zealand

Interstate Traveler estimated cost  
$10 Million / Km   ($16 Million / Mile)

Estimated cost to integrate on 200 Miles of Road (321.8 Kilometers)
200 Miles * $16 Million / Mile = $3.2 Billion

Estimated Solar Grid on 200 Miles of Road
5,280 ft/mile * 16 feet in width = 84,480 sqft / mile
84,480 SqFt / Mile * 200 Miles = 16,896,000 Square Feet of Photo Voltaics

Estimated Photo Voltaic Performance
12 Watts / Square Foot / Hour

Estimated Total Solar Grid Performance on 200 Miles of Rail per hour:
16,896,000 * 12 = 202,752,000 Watts/Hour or about 202.75 Megawatts / Hour

Net Energy Production Estimated Annual Energy Production for 200 Miles of rail (6 hours / day * 365)
202,752,000 watts/hour * 6 = 1,216,512,000 watts / day * 365 = 444,026,880,000 watts / year
0.4 Billion kWh/year ( 1.14% of the National Energy Demand )

System would support a starting number of 600 Transports (3 every 1 Mile) at 80 passengers each for a simultaneous passenger capacity of 48,000 pedestrians.

Estimated Revenue on Transit fee of $0.05/minute/person >>> 48,000 * .05 = $2,400/minute or $144,000.00 / hour during rush hour.

 If at capacity for only six hours a day and empty the rest, annual fare-box collection would be:
$144,000.00/hr * 6 = $864,000.00/day * 365 = $315,360,000.00 / year

New Zealand HyRail Presentation Booklet for December 2009

Please Click Here to download the booklet.  uploaded 20.December.2009
~20Mbs download

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Last modified: 11/09/09