Interstate Traveler Company

Building the World Wide Hydrogen Super Highway...


Kingdom of Bahrain

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Land Area: 741  sq km
Coastline: 161  km
Population: 10,707,924  people (2008 est)
Irrigated Land 40 sq km
Airports 3  
Pipelines 52  km (combined estimate)
Railroads  (Broad Gauge) 0  km
Railroads  (Narrow Gauge) 0  km
Paved Roads 2,768  km (Total)  [1,718.9 Miles]
Unpaved Roads 730  km
National Electrical Demand 8.7 Billion kWh (2006 est)

Estimate for Building on 300 Miles of Roads in Bahrain

Interstate Traveler estimated cost  
$10 Million / Km   ($16 Million / Mile)

Estimated cost to integrate on 300 Miles of Road (482.79 Kilometers)
300 Miles * $16 Million / Mile = $4.82 Billion

Estimated Solar Grid on 300 Miles of Road
5,280 ft/mile * 16 feet in width = 84,480 sqft / mile
84,480 SqFt / Mile * 300 Miles = 25,344,000 Square Feet of Photo Voltaics

Estimated Photo Voltaic Performance
20 Watts / Square Foot / Hour

Estimated Total Solar Grid Performance on 300 Miles of Rail per hour:
25,344,000 * 20 = 506,880,000 Watts/Hour or about 506 Megawatts / Hour

Net Energy Production Estimated Annual Energy Production for 300 Miles of rail (8 hours / day *365)
506, 880,000 watts/hour * 8 = 4,055,040,000 watts / day * 365 = 1,480,089,600,000 watts / year
1.4 Billion kWh/year ( 16% of the National Energy Demand)

System would support a starting number of 900 Transports (3 every 1 Mile) at 80 passengers each for a simultaneous passenger capacity of 72,000 pedestrians.

Estimated Revenue on Transit fee of $0.05/minute/person >>> 72,000 * .05 = $3,600/minute or $216,000.00 / hour during rush hour.

Estimated Metrics for building on All Paved Roads in Bahrain:

Interstate Traveler estimated cost  
$10 Million / Km

Estimated cost to integrate all Bahrain's Paved Roads
$27.6 Billion  for 2,768 Kilometers (1,718.92 Miles)

Estimated Solar Grid on 2,768 Kilometers of HyRail:
3,280.83 ft/Kilometer * 16 feet in width = 52,493.28 Sqft/Kilometer
52,493.28 * 2,768 =  145,301,399 square feet of Photo Voltaic.

Estimated Photo Voltaic Performance:
20 Watt / Square Foot / Hour

Estimated Total Solar Grid Performance for 2,768 Kilometers of rail per hour:
145,301,399 * 20 = 2,906,027,980 Watts/Hour  (2,900 Megawatts per hour same as 2.9 Million Kw/Hr)

Net Energy Production Estimated Annual Energy Production for 2,768 Km of rail (8 hours / day * 365)
2,906,027,980 * 8 = 23,248,223,840 Watts/Day  * 365 = 8,485,601,701,600 Watts / Year
8.4 Billion kWh/Year   (96% of National Electrical Demand 2006)

System would support a starting number of 8,304 Transports (3 every 1 Km) at 80 passengers each for a simultaneous passenger capacity of 664,320 people.  

Revenue on transit fee of $0.05/minute/person >> 664,320 * .05 = $33,216.00/minute or $1,992,960.00 / hour during rush hour.

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Last modified: 11/09/09