Steel Tubing
Distance Feet
1 Mile 5280
1 Kilometer 3278 1 mile = 5,280 feet      1 Kilometer = 3278 feet
62.08% One Kilometer is equal to…
Qty Units Description Cost Amount Notes
3278 foot 10" x 5/8ths wall x 1 foot  Square Tubing $26.90 $88,178.20 Independence Tube Corporation
2 Pairs / K Pairs of Rails required for one way traffic $176,356.40 $352,712.80 Number of Pairs of Rail
3278 foot 6' x 20'  Steel Plate $46.86 $153,607.08 Estimated $937.50/ plate
32 Stanchion Stanchion Poles at 100 foot intervals 30 foot High $900.00 $28,800.00 Figured at 30 foot x $30/foot
$535,119.88 Steel per Kilometer,8599,185650,00.html