The most prominent example of American exploration into MagLev rail technology is know as the Pennsylvania Project.   In the frame below you will be able to view the website.

The facts page explains that cost of the system being 2.8 billion dollars, or roughly 59.5 million for each of the 47 miles of its length.

The following cost description for the Pennsylvania Project is from the FAQ section on the website:

Q: What will it cost and how will this project be financed?

The FRA will award the grants for the construction of a 40-50 mile demonstration segment based on the feasibility and completeness of their project descriptions, Ridership, Partnership Potential and Environmental Impact Statement. The Pennsylvania Project cost for this first 47-mile system is estimated at $1.8 billion for the system infrastructure with a total project cost of $2.8 billion. Additional segments of the system would be financed by private and public partnerships. The system operating costs must be proven to be sufficient to support the investment costs and associated profit while in operation. The system is being costed for a usable 40 year service life on the propulsion, energy supply components, 30 years on the vehicles and an 80 year life on the guideway, longstator stator components and substructures.