Interstate Traveler Company
 Building the WorldWide Hydrogen Super Highway...
Help America achieve the Cleanest and Fastest Moving Economy in the World!

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Justin Eric Sutton

As the founder of the Interstate Traveler Project, I am very pleased to be surrounded by so many talented people.  My job is to help new executives assimilate into their respective departments, and provide them with all the tools they need to do their job, and provide consultation to the multitude of engineers and artisans that will build this new national rail transit system.

Management Philosophy:

Central to my success over the past ten years in the information systems industry has been effective relationship management.  With every new contract there are new groups of people to know, learn from, and teach.  To communicate the details of a solution to a problem I was contracted to solve becomes a fantastic challenge that I enjoy mastering at every level.   Asking good questions will almost always get you good answers.

Ability is the nature of genius and time is the common denominator among all people.  Therefore, the genius of people is found where time is properly managed.  As a computer consultant my number one priority was to enable the most efficient use of computers so that time is saved, therefore money saved.

     Work = Force over Time...   and Efficiency is born of this equation.

To be successful in project management all manner of detail must be accounted for regarding, labor, materials, new processes to be implemented, old processes to be defunct, and transitional processes to accommodate change.  Once all time (work) and materials are accounted for the values for such time and materials may be totaled.  This information is used to determine return on investment where such determination may warrant a re-visitation of the workflow to further refine the process and reduce cost or the go ahead to complete the work.

Extensive training for client personnel is paramount to the success of any project.  Without the client fully understanding the nature of a solution the value is not fully perceived or realized.

The responsibility of leadership is not merely the giving of instructions to those hired to complete a task, it is the recognition of greatness in those appointed to the task.  The delegation of authority is giving someone the freedom to do something so well, that they can call it their own.  If you must first give to receive, and if justice is to receive in kind what was given in kind, then great rewards are due for great accomplishments.  No amount of effort from one man or woman can replace concerted efforts of a team that is united in it's goals and clear in their role on the team.  

Computer Consultant History:

My career in computer information systems began when the 486 was new and a CD-ROM was the newest most sought after technology back in 1992.  After mastering MS-DOS and many facets of the MS Windows 3.X,  I provided services in areas ranging from network setup and design, to building custom photo editing workstations with all the trimmings.  After a year and a half I was introduced to the IBM voice recognition technology by my father and made voice recognition and transcription systems my primary consultantcy.  In the years hence, I have had many great experiences and happy customers whom have enjoyed the benefits of my work.    I am able to deliver a system under any version of the MS Windows Platform and effectively plan and manage Windows 2000 Active Directory security and TCP/IP network topology. 

ACT Computers, Inc. was established in 1993 with our primary market place in providing medical office management systems.  In 1995 we became the first company in Michigan to be certified in IBM ViaVoice and were instated in several IBM representative contracts.  In 1997 we were awarded the number one position in the nation in the national IBM reference contest for the installation of IBM MedSpeak.

My experience with the communications industry includes the study of LANs WANs Metropolitan Area Networks, Sonet Rings, and in-depth study of TCP/IP.  I am familiar with DSUs, Multiplexers, Voice over IP, and numerous other areas of communication interface technology.

Click the TV to see a 3 minute introduction to the ITC that was made in early 2003

Patented Mechanism

On February 2 1999, I was awarded Patent # 5,865,682 for the invention of a spherical pool cue conditioning device.   Click here for the abstract

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Last modified: 10/06/08