Interstate Traveler Company
 Building the WorldWide Hydrogen Super Highway...
Help America achieve the Cleanest and Fastest Moving Economy in the World!

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  ...a leader in technological manufacturing in the United States, and the world...

Here in Michigan, we recognize our heritage as the world leader in industrial manufacturing.  We hold our heritage close to our heart, and for future generations, we need to keep jobs, and the technology that creates the jobs here in our home State.

We have a unique opportunity here in Michigan to leverage our global reach and our massive population of technological working people to create an industry from scratch.

The Interstate Traveler Project is my answer to the future of Michigan.  We have been the world leader in automotive technology and manufacturing for 100 years.  The next 100 years will revolve around the development of new hydrogen energy systems and transportation technologies.  For Michigan to stay ahead of the pack we need to make a quantum leap in functionality and efficiency, all the while working with mass production to provide unmatched quality to the municipalities of the United States and to the world at large.

We have this opportunity to build the municipal infrastructure required for modern civilization to grow at an ever increasing rate.  We here in Michigan can be the ones to deliver the product that every city, every State, every Country will need to provide safe, reliable, and profitable services to continuously their growing communities, and secure the future vitality of our city centers by providing fast, clean, quiet and reliable public transit.

Click here to see the Michigan Integration Project.

Click here to see the Michigan House of Representatives HR 23 in support of the ITP


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22 Points of Interest

A Brief Summary

64 Frequently Asked Questions Answered


A Summary of our progress


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Copyright © 2002-2008 Justin Eric Sutton & The Interstate Traveler Company, LLC - All Rights Reserved
Last modified: 10/06/08