Interstate Traveler Company
 Building the WorldWide Hydrogen Super Highway...
Help America achieve the Cleanest and Fastest Moving Economy in the World!

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In planning the Interstate Traveler consideration for the distant future is the first fundamental requirement.  The system must be designed to grow without any re-engineering.  As technology improves, adaptations may be genuinely required, yet with exponential growth in mind as the first expectation, the system must be simple, easily replicated, expanded and controlled in a safe and unified manner.

Harkening back to the 1800s, many railroads were built, and not all of the same quality, yet soon the Standard Gage was established.

The most efficient form of electronic structured multi-packet information systems currently in use today is accepted as the defacto standard for Internet communications;  TCP/IP is highly configurable communications protocol that is ideal for the public transportation systems of the future.

The Interstate Traveler Project is the unification of more than just public transportation and public utilities like data communications, fuel, water and waste; it comes standard with an accounting system that tracks the movement of every component of the system.  Where is the money you ask?  With the Interstate Traveler, you will always know.

The control systems for the Interstate Traveler are simple.  Basic sub-netting common to TCP/IP network classification and network address translation tables used in every router responsible for the Internet's daily functionality will give every person, every car, every shipping container, every substation, every side track, every subnet domain for metropolitan are networks, every SONNET ring for major metropolitan areas, a name, a place, an estimated arrival time, a router "Hop-count", and an easy way to account for who should get paid depending on right of passage.  Exclusive Communities may simple not allow cars or people without permission to access a private domain.

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Copyright © 2002-2008 Justin Eric Sutton & The Interstate Traveler Company, LLC - All Rights Reserved
Last modified: 10/06/08