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The birth of an idea... 

Today is Wednesday, March 19th 2008.  

Thirteen years ago today, while sitting in my room at my parents home in Michigan, inspiration came to me in the most profound manner.   It was a Sunday, on March 19th, 1995, when I was inspired to put down onto paper the first primary points of what seemed to be the most important categories to outline for a business plan that would solve the transportation problem for America.  

I was 27 years old. 

At that time I was quite busy working with my father building our computer consulting business and actively building a working knowledge of modern business philosophy to add to my stock common of experience and scientific study at school, community college and university along with my particularly favorite topic: the Industrial Revolution.   I read about the birth of the industrial age and the people that made it happen.   Modern business philosophy says to find success and model it in your own behavior.  I suppose that my intense study of both of these topics has made the Interstate Traveler possible.  But I am sure, that if “ I “ had not done it, sooner or later someone else would have done it, or at least I hope so.

I must admit that on that day, when I created that list, I knew it would be important and very much needed by the millions, now billions of people in the world and that it could be done and had to be done by somebody!  Now, thirteen years later, after thousands of hours of conversation and contemplation, hundreds of hours of intense research and analysis, tens of thousands of emails, hundreds of meetings around the country and more than a dozen international trade delegations that has enabled the personal interaction with thousands upon thousands of people in government, private business, industry and education added on to the thousands of people from all over the world that view our website every month; I am full of great joy and anticipation for the future as so many thousand have showed me that they see the value of my work.  Further, it would take me another thousand words to try and reflect my appreciation for the cumulative efforts of hundreds of people whom helped me build this company from three founders to nearly 100 partners.

Reflecting on the very long and rigorous efforts to build this company; I have a fullness in me that I can be only measured in my sense of place in building public works that will serve millions of people for generation after generation.  The reason this idea, this system of systems, this simple integration of things people need to live a better life has been supported by so many good people because they (like me) think building the Interstate Traveler will help millions of people live a better life, so it is the right thing to do.    There is not much else in this world that can do so much for mankind as the fully integrated systems for clean water, sewerage treatment, communications and transportation along with pipelines for all practical fuels. 

There is so much more to say, but I will say just this: Happy Birthday to this great idea, and again, thanks to everyone and to all for getting involved and helping to make the world a better place for everyone with the Hydrogen Super Highway bringing light and life to the future.

 Sincerely and Very Truly Yours,

 Justin Eric Sutton
Founder and Managing Partner


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