Interstate Traveler Company
 Building the WorldWide Hydrogen Super Highway...
Help America achieve the Cleanest and Fastest Moving Economy in the World!

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Thursday November 16th,  2006
Official Acknowledgement of Joint Venture
The Gifts of First Fruits Foundation, Inc.
care of:  
Chairman   Michael Dortch
Chief Financial Officer   Elliot Diaz
with offices located at:
310 Derby Drive
Fayetteville, Ga 30215

RE:  Joint Venture

Dear Michael and Elliot,

It is with great anticipation and high regard that we accept your Letter of Purpose as our Joint Venture Partner.   Together, the Gifts of First Fruits Foundation and the Interstate Traveler Company along with the many deeply talented partners and associates we have gathered together, share a unique responsibility to usher in the future of hydrogen powered sustainable development for the United States and the World along with the cornerstone of community development and education at Liberty Village so that future generations will never loose site of those useful precepts that teach us civility and service to our fellow man.

Certainly, the Almighty Creator of Humanity and the Universe around us has already given us all that we need to survive and to prosper until future generations shall conclude our struggles to master the elements.  This is my belief, and my faithful understanding of how and why our long lives of dedication to good works has brought all of us together to share in the accomplishment of this grand undertaking.  

Together we now share this great responsibility, perhaps greater than that of any previous industrial or technological revolution to see that this world has a chance to beat our swords into plow shares and our spears into pruning hooks.   Such is the character of our labors on Earth and our chance to do that which is right before God.

And now, may the blessings of Heaven shine upon us, may our Joint Venture Partnership live on in perpetuity, and every moral and social virtue cement our relationship into one common ideal to serve the greatest number of people possible.

Mark 10:9 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

On behalf of the Interstate Traveler Company, and all of our associates, I look forward to the first fruits of our Joint Venture, and to seeing the construction of the Traveler begin as a direct result.

Sincerely and very truly yours,

Justin Sutton 
Founder and Managing Partner
Interstate Traveler Company, LLC

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Last modified: 10/06/08