Interstate Traveler Company
 Building the WorldWide Hydrogen Super Highway...
Help America achieve the Cleanest and Fastest Moving Economy in the World!

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Of the many great benefits of the Hydrogen Super Highway, the ability of the HyRail of offset carbon is practically unmatched.   Many sources claim that automobiles, on average generate one pound of carbon dioxide for ever mile driven by a car.   Therefore if we consider each passenger on the HyRail to represent one car off the road, compiled annually using an average of 15,000 miles / year, we can offset 15,000 lbs of carbon dioxide per passenger per year.   With the National HyRail built out on the 54,000 miles of the Eisenhower Interstate Highway we will have a simultaneous passenger capacity of more than 9,000,000 people.   Therefore, we look at 9,000,000 * 15,000 = 135,000,000,000 lbs (67.5 Million Tons) of carbon dioxide per year.  With current cap and trade figures valuing carbon offset at as much as $10/ton, the National HyRail offset value is $675,000,000.00 / year.


Carbon Offset

Hydrocarbons such as gasoline form a bond of 8 carbons to every 18 atoms of hydrogen, or C8H18. When the hydrocarbon is oxidized, the hydrogen is burned away to create H2O and CO2

So for every C8H18 that is oxidized there are created 8 CO2 and 18 H2O molecules.

The molecular weight of carbon is 6
The molecular weight of hydrogen is 1
The molecular weight of Oxygen is 8

So a single C8H18 is (8*6)+(1*18)= 66mw molecular weight
So a single CO2 is (6)+(8*2)= 22mw molecular weight.
So a single H2O is (1*2)+(8) = 10mw molecular weight

When a single C8H18 is oxidized it will produce 8 * 22mw = 176mw in CO2.
When a single C8H18 is oxidized it will produce 9 * 10mw = 90mw in H2O

Thus the factor of mass per unit of gasoline to mass per unit of carbon dioxide produced at oxidation is about 2.68.

This is why a gallon of gasoline that weighs 7.5 lbs can produce 18.6 lbs worth of CO2

Finally, the same oxidation cycle therefore consumes 16 atomic units of O for the CO2 and 9 atomic units of O for each H2O which is 25au * 8mw for a total of 200mws in Oxygen which is a factor of 3.03.  Therefore, for each 7.5 lbs of gasoline oxidized, 22.72 lbs of Oxygen are consumed from the atmosphere.

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Last modified: 10/17/08